My secrets out

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(Hatori pov)

(Y/n) got to meet akito and he ordered me to erase her memories of us, as i put my hand on her head she had a smirk on her lips but why?

(My pov)

I had a smirk on my face because I knew that they can't erase my memories because I'm cursed but they didn't know that except for momiji. Hatori put his hand on my head for a minute or so but nothing happened.

(Tohru pov)
(Bet you didn't see that coming)

I was so sad to let (y/n) go. "Can we see her now" i asked "I guess I think it's all already over" kyo said. we entered the room and saw (y/n) "hi mo-mo, Yuki, kyo, shigure, Haru and tohru" (y/n) said

(Hatori pov)

'It didn't work, but how' I thought. "(Y/n) you aren't a sohma, are you?" i asked "nope" she said popping the p. akito came in "is it done" he said "it didn't work" i said "get out of the way you probably didn't do it right" akito said pushing me out of the way.

(My pov)

As akito pushed hatori, i felt something snap in me. oh no. akito put his hand on my head and still nothing. i smirked "looks like You don't know how to do either" i said. akito got really mad that he threw his hand at my face but i Caught his wrist before he could touch me, everyone was shocked even kyo, Haru and hatori. "now now, i wouldn't do that if i were you" I said mockingly. I twisted his wrist and he winced in pain "i'll let go if you answer my question" i whispered in his ear "whats the damn question" he said coldly "why do you torture them" i asked. he looked at the ground "i want them to feel my pain" he said "why" i asked "i'll tell you if you go to the main house" he said. i let go of his wrist "Alright see you soon" I said. he walked out the door with a little smile, "hey (y/n) your eyes are red instead of (e/c)" momiji said. i grabbed a near by mirror and looked at my eyes. they were blood red and they started to Change back to their normal color. "hey (y/n) Do you think it's time to share your secret" momiji said "okay but I think I should show them instead" i said. I grabbed the crystal fox Necklace and thought of something sad and I thought of my uncle dying. "poof" I turned into a fox.
"Aww she's so cute with her white fur" tohru awed. i looked around and kyo had a small smile on his face "looks like kyo got a thing for foxes" i said, he blushed and looked away "i do not" he said walking away "hey (y/n) i'll wait for you outside, to go to the main house" Haru said "wait, go where" i asked "you said you wanted to talk to akito" Haru said "nooo-yeah I did" I said looking down at my paws "well me and momiji will wait outside" Haru said walking out with momiji. "hey (y/n) i never noticed you have a necklace and why is it glowing" Yuki said "what oh were's the bath-"poof".
I was human again but I was naked. i quickly covered my private areas "bathroom" i finished my Sentence. "down the hall" shigure said. i quickly ran to the bathroom to get changed. as i came out all the boys (Except kyo, Haru and momiji because they werent there) had a blush on their face "oookay" i said "well i have to go see akito so bye" i said walking outside. Outside was hatori, Haru and momiji waiting by a car. ( In the anime, to me, it looked like a limo) "oh well here goes nothing" i said getting in the car. 'Well i wonder what's going to happen to me now' i thought.

(Well let's see what happens in the next chapter XD. well i hoped you liked this chapter :D)

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