Chapter 1: Okie dokie, Artichokie?

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This is my first story so I hope that you guys like it! If you do please don't be shy and let me know by commenting and voting! Enjoy!

There he was, basking in the admiration and adoration of the entire eighth grade community. He was the star. And not just the star star, but the star star. President of Chandler Middle School, straight A student, total hottie, and scorer of the winning point in today's basketball game against our rival school. But that's not all of it; he is also my best friend of 12 years, and my boyfriend of two weeks, and what a great two weeks those have been! He's filled the past 14 days 5 hours and 27 minutes with countless butterfly kisses, Eskimo kisses, endless hand holding, and 19 love notes! I can't wait until we are married, our kids are going to be so cute. They'll probably have blue eyes like... I'm blasted out of my thoughts by a plethora of screaming fans.

"Brian! Brian! Brian!" They scream over and over. I start to cheer too but I'm interrupted by Brian's parents asking where mine are, and being the polite future daughter-in-law that I am, I direct them to where my family is seated then rush to find Brian. He's buried under a mob of friends and team mates, but after some pushing and shoving I manage to wrap my arms around his torso, startling him a little bit. Detaching himself from my arms, he turns around with the sweetest smile on his face.

"Congratulations, winner!" I say looking up into his hazel eyes. Still smiling, he envelopes me in his arms and lifts me off of the ground making me drop my 'Blazin' Brian' sign that I made him when I went to his first game.

"Thank you very much, Joey. I couldn't have done it without my good luck charm," he says as he grins at me.

I playfully punch his shoulder as he lets me down and pretends to be injured. "Shut up you cheese ball!" I retort. 'Cheese Ball' is one of my many go-to names for Brian because he always has the corniest things to say. He literally has has a book full of cheeky little phrases (it's one of the many reasons why he's my favorite person ever).

He giggles boyishly then the smile on his face falters a little bit, "I have to tell you something," he speaks quietly. Oh my goodness. Ooooh no. This is it. This is the end. He's breaking up with me and I'm going to spend the rest of eternity single. He's going to break up with me and I'm going to lose my best friend and my boyfriend. He probably fell for stupid Mandy Collins and realized that he doesn't want a chunky, acne ridden, brace faced, grub girl.

"Hey, hey, hey, stop your mind marathon. I'm not breaking up with you."

"How did you know I was having one of those?"

"Because whenever your having a mind marathon your eyes glaze over and you flare your nostrils."

"You pay too much attention sometimes," I chuckle while playfully punching him again. I love that he noticed that about me. The playfulness dies down in a matter of seconds and we are back to our seriously scary talk, "so what's up? And don't you dare sugar coat this."

"I'm moving."

This isn't nearly as bad as I thought this was going to be. "So we won't be neighbors anymore, it's not a big deal. We can still hang out on the weekends."

"But it is a big deal," he sighs.

"Why are you you making a simple move so serious?"

"Because I'm moving to Wisconsin."

"Wisconsin? Why Wisconsin? That's literally across the country!"

"Ever since my dad left my mom has been looking for a new job and her company opened up a position in Milwaukee, so she took the job and we are moving in two weeks."

This isn't happening, this is not happening! "Your mom can't just move you to an entirely different state, doesn't she know that you have a life here? what about all of your friends and your grades and how are you going to move your trampoline? It's not like you can take a trampoline with your luggage! And your dogs, your tiny little chihuahuas can't survive in the snow they'll freeze to death! They barely have any meat on them, I mean like I eat twice their weight in food a day how do you expect them to live there? What about me? What am I supposed to do without you?" He might just be joking with me, he does that more than necessary, but if this is a joke he's taking it way to far. I can't just hope for that. I'll pick a cruel joke over my best friend moving 2,080 miles away from me.

"It's going to work out," he says breathily. "We are going to figure this all out and everything is going to be okay, I'll do whatever it takes to not lose you. Even if that means Skyping you every single night. but we can talk about this later, okie dokie"

I'm obviously dumbfounded but I manage to snivel out an "artichokie" without bursting into tears for his sake. We are supposed to carpool together, but since my parents are here to watch the last game of the season I'm just going to go with them. I will talk to Brian later I just need to think about this before we actually talk about this.


Today was the day that the Henderson family moved. They didn't just move into another neighborhood, they hardcore moved, and they didn't leave a trace if their existence in that home. Last night Brian snuck into my room to talk to me about what we will be. We decided that we would break up for now but we would t stop being friends. He pinky promised to Skype me every singe night, except for Tuesdays because I've got clarinet practice, and we also made sure to write each other no matter how much we talked. We were both under my duvet in our pajamas just talking about the past 12 years when he started to cry.

"Joelene, you know I love you, right?" He whispered in my ear.

His warm breath gave me goosebumps despite the fact that we were cozy under the covers. He never used my full name unless he was being very serious or if he was mad. Given this situation I didn't think that he was mad so I guess that he meant it. The butterflies erupted in my stomach when I leaned over to kiss his temple. I could see his face turning red underneath the dim glow of my lamp, because of this I turned red leaving the both of us a blotchy rouge mess. "I know," I whispered back. "And I love you too."
We both fell asleep and woke up this morning to a noises moving truck. I know that this was coming, but it didn't make me feel any less horrid. We got dressed and helped the movers with the boxes. Once we finished that his mom, baby sister, and him came to say goodbye to my mother, father, sisters and I. Now I'm laying on Brian's side of my unmade bed replaying the image of him putting the last box in the moving truck and waving goodbye to me for the last time. I'm going to miss that boy so much. With that image I fall asleep.

My eyes flutter open to reveal a pitch black room and a clock that's flashing '11:39' on it in red. I walk to my desk top to see that I had two missed Skype calls from RyRyHendo101. I guess he landed.

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