Chapter 2

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"Jooooooooooeeeeeeey," my mom sang to me as she opened up my curtains letting the morning sunlight illuminate my room.
She never wakes me up, unless I'm very late to a class or if she made breakfast, and that never happens. So late to class it is.

I frantically rolled out of bed with my hair in a sorry mess, "What time is it, mom? I need to get to class!" I groaned in my sandy morning voice while rolling out of my bed and scrambling into the bathroom. I have no time to shower so I'm just going to wash my face and pull my long, greasy, tangled hair into what I can hardly call a bun.

After attempting to tame my mane, my mother casually strolled in and chuckled at me. "Joelene, you're not late for school! Today is the day Jamie leaves for college!" she said in an exited tone, but I can tell that she really isn't that happy about it. I don't blame her though, anyone would be upset if their favorite daughter moved across the country.

"Okay? You reminded me about that last night so I don't see why you needed to wake me up. She doesn't leave until four."

She looked down and sighed, "She's moving to Wisconsin for Pete's sake! Don't you want to spend some time with your sister before she leaves? She's your only sister, what if something was to happen to her? I bet that you will be sorry once you've realized that you didn't even want to spend her last day in California with her." She was pretty frustrated at me at me, but that was normal for her. We never really had the strongest relationship.

"She should have just stayed here. It was her choice to move."

She took in a deep breath before telling me to get ready because we were taking Jamie to the mall for the last time in a long while.

"Bye, Jojo," Jamie said as she hugged me goodbye.

"Later, James," I smiled hugging her back. My sister and I were always really close, hence the guy names we had for each other. Our dad had always wanted sons, but when he got two daughters he called us Jojo and James. After he died they just stuck with us.

This wasn't the first time that Jamie and I said goodbye. It's was more like the third or fourth. After shopping we went to the airport and did all if the things that we needed to do to get James into her gate. That was at three o'clock. It's now 6:47 and we are getting antsy. We all had lunch in the airport and the bagel with smoked salmon that I had isn't sitting with me. I blame myself though, no one should have smoked salmon in an airport. Yuck.

We figured that this was our last and final goodbye so we both had tears on our eyes when we let go of each other.

"Stay safe, James. Don't do anything I wouldn't do," I told her with light humor, "and make sure you send me pics of all those hot cheese head guys."

"Can do, Big Sis. Don't miss me too much. Don't give Stephen too hard of a time and good luck with mom,"she whispers. She got along with mom but she totally understood my relationship with her. On the other hand, Stephen(my step dad) and I got along pretty well but I argued with mom, he always took her side and made it impossible for me to win any argument.

"I'll miss you," was the last thing that i said to her before she boarded. She walked into the plane entrance with a happy little gate. I'm going to miss her so much.

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