Chapter 3

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It's been about a month since my sister left good ole Arizona for Wisconsin. Out of all of the colleges she was accepted into, she had to choose the farthest one away from the fam-bam. She didn't want to go to California, just a few hours away from me and a few minutes away from the beach, she had to move to Wisconsin, with brutal winters and hardly any summers. Totally not cool.

Instead of questioning her move in my mind, I decide to call her. We haven't talked as much as I had expected us to, but the amount of speaking we do will suffice.

I dial her number and wait for her to pick up.

"Hello?" She says into the phone. She sounds like she was asleep. I check the time and just now realize that there is a time difference. Whoops.

"Hey James! It's Joey, did I wake you?"

"No. Actually," she yawns "I was just about to go to bed."

Confused, I check the time on my phone. "Um, isn't it pretty late to be just going to bed?"

"Isn't it a bit late for you to still be awake?" She had a point, it was 2 a.m. here, so it was about 4 a.m. there.

"Touché," I say back.

"So is there any reason why you're calling me so late?"

"Nothing in particular," I say to her "just wanted to hear your voice."

"That's so sweet. I miss you so much Jo."

"I miss you too James. But I'll see you soon for the holidays right?"

"Um yeah," she trails off. "Do you think it would be okay if I brought someone home with me?"

Oh god, she better not be bringing home a baby. "Uh I think it should be fine." I swallow and muster up the courage to ask the question, "you're not pregnant are you?"

"No way!" She laughs. A wave of relief rushes over me.

"So who are you going to bring?"

"My boyfriend."

Okay so this is way better than a baby. Actually, I think anything would be better than a baby. But a boyfriend? Oh my gosh that's crazy. "You have a boyfriend?" I yell at her through the phone.


"Yeah? That's it? Would it kill you to give me some details?"

"I'm actually pretty tired. Can you just give me the 'ok' so I can help get him a plane ticket?"

"No, Jamie. You need to tell me about this guy before we let you bring him to our home."

"Why is it so important?" She says to me in the sassiest of tones. "You didn't tell us about your boyfriend until a year after you started dating him!"

Wisconsin must be dumbing her down if she thinks that these two situations are the same. She flying a random dude across the country. It's not the same thing. "That is so different," I say to her. "We don't even know this guy."

"Please just trust me with this," she begs. "I know you'll like him."

I give in. There's no way that I can resist my sisters begging, especially since I miss her so much. "Fine. Bring your boyfriend. But he better be well behaved so start training him now."

"Haha," she laughs sarcastically. "But I will. Thank you, love you, miss you. Nighty night." And she hung up.

Well that didn't go as expected, but at least it went. Some of my friends that have siblings that move don't even speak anymore, so I guess I'm pretty lucky. But I'm very nervous about this boy she's bringing home. My sister has never really had the best taste in guys so I really hope she picks a good one. And who knows, maybe he will be completely awesome. I've always wanted to go on a double date with my sister so now could be the chance. The more I think about it the more excited I get!

I just hope mom is okay with it.


Alright guys! I'm so sorry for not updating in a while, and I'm also sorry for this chapter. I know I didn't spend a lot of time writing but I spent a lot of time thinking about My Sister's Husband and where I wanted the plot to go and I've completely changed my original outline. I think the one I have now is so much better and I hope you guys enjoy it :) I just needed to add this filler chapter to help transition into the new plot line! I'm excited and I hope you are too! Thanks for reading and don't forget to vote and comment :D

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