01 Whole summer

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A whole summer had gone for Archie Andrews He had spent the summer vacation in New York with veronica and her family He defied everything he learned by joining Hiram Lodge who was known as the devil himself but he loved veronica But during his summer with the Lodge he had such a home longing And when he thought of the home he only saw Betty Betty with her high pony tail and pink sweaters But every time he thought of her he got a different feeling in his stomach against what he knew about veronica veronica was sexy and hot but Betty was his home Betty was a safety net for hun He had tried to call her throughout the summer but had not answered him He has tried to talk to his girlfriend but she didn't seem to care about his concern for his best friend And now he would finally see her again He longer to see Bett's surprise face as he knocked on her door he longed to see her smile to embrace her in a hug so he could get her kiss against his cheek her pink fluffy lips He missed her so he would see her again soon And he knew she would be happy to see him

Archie wasn't wanting to waste more time from his Betty he would hace liked to run to her house immediately when he had arruved the night before to see her But his dad had stopped it But he knew that could get a glimpse od het from the windows Hina had sprung up the stairs to see her when he transpired into his room he began to think about what she was doing right now cancer she read one of her many books or checked on a movie via her laptop or she switched to pajamas His cheeks became red by the thought of seeing Betty change which made hum move faster But the girl next door's room had been dark Maybe she slept in early this evening he thought while he swore to himself But now it was a new day with new opportunities and a new chance to meet Betty He Hurried down the stairs this time to meet his smiling dad

Archie- Good morning dad

Said the redhead cheerfully

Fred- Hey Arch Where did you get that broken

He asked with a laugh at his son

Archie- Too Betty's

He replued briefly with the changes father's facial expression

Fred- Archie wait a bit that's probably not a good idea

He said softly

Archie- Why

Asked Archie unmistakably

Fred- Well Alice went off with Polly in the early summer to a place she called the farm I don't know if she went with them I havent seen her all summer

He said sadly

Archie ram away from his house on the south side he could hear his dad calling for him but he had no time for him now He had someone more important to talk to He needed to talk to the person who knew where she was

But betty hadn't had time to Miss Archie because she had been busy with something else or rather someone else she has always loved the summer when the sun warmed her soft shine and the days became longer and brighter she used to spend as much time as possible outside the house during the summer But this year she had been in bed most of the time Not because she is lazy but for the opposite she had just found the wonderful thing by being in the most intimate way one foukr be with anitger person How it use to be in sync with this one you Love And that's what she had been she and Jughead had experienced their darkest fantasies with each other bodies in the old traiker on the south side of the town Betty liftef her head from Jughead Broad chest which still had beads of sweat after their night with each other she looked around in the small bedroom in the trailer which she woke up to every morning this summer on a chair by his or her bed Jughead south side lay the serowbrs leather jacjet that she had been suspicious of and for awhile hated but Quickly accepted for it had become part of the Jughead Amd She loved everything with him just as he loved everything with her

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