02 The girl next door

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The angry broiled in Jughead's blood as the position of his so called best friend words against him and his girlfriend he left in the Quick bedroom He frantically pulled his hand through his dark hair worried that lathe bang he causes by slamming the front door of the trailer would have awakened his girlfriend  He wondered if she heard their convergence about her He didn't want to worry more about her then she was already  she hadn't said it loudly but he known that she was worried and ahe had every right to be she had left everything for him her relationship with her mother her entire old life as the perfect good girl next door an probably burned all the bridges to the north And all for him the snake that lived in a trailer in the sunny side of the trailer park she sacrificed everything for the love of the not wearing leather

And he loved her as much as she loves him but he was skeptical at the beginning of their debut as a gang member couple As the upcoming leaders of the South side serpents He didn't want to drag her into his darkness but over time he realized she was already in the dark but her darkness was already darker and deeper one his and was stuck in it unless he helped her And the only way for him to save her from herself was to pull her into his own darkness They embraced the darkness They braces the darkness together and he got the pre-eminent good girl to love herself

But despite his thoughts after the odd event he went back to his bedroom where his Betty was waiting for him when he got to the doorway he stopped to see his girlfriend laying on her stomach with only one blanket over her lower body The blanket stoped at the center of her back and went down the longest of her legs her breast pressed down toward the mattress and her side breasts easily visible Her head rested on a pillow and her blonde curls lay scattered around her head like a halo Her makeup from yesterday's night was intact There was just a little of her eyeliner that smeared a bit after the wild night they shared In that bed One could have thought she was asleep if you hadn't seen her sly smirk that spread over her face when she saw her boyfriend standing in the doorway opening when he noticed her smirk that lit up her perfect face an equality devilish smirk spread over his lips too He moved from the door to the bed where Betty had now sat on her back with the blanket so it now hide her breast for his searching looks

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2020 ⏰

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