Part 1: Encounter

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Bakugo POV:

I wake up in my dorm to the sound of my beeping alarm clock. It's Saturday, so I don't have to go to class. However, I wake up to be more pissed off than usual. Those idiots in my class better not mess with me today, because I do not feel like taking their crap.

I go down to the main area, where most of my class is. I ignore them the best I can as I go to the kitchen, but I'm suddenly stopped by raccoon eyes.
"Just leave me alone, I'm not in a good mood." I say angrily. She quickly responds."When are you ever in a good mood!? I just came over to tell you that there's been a prison break. Mr. Aizawa recommends that we all stay inside today."

She looked worried. I could tell by her expression that this wasn't just a low-leveled thug who escaped. This villain was probably really powerful.
"Whatever. It's just a recommendation that we stay inside. I'm probably going out after breakfast." She opened her mouth to argue with me, but quickly closed it realizing that it was pointless. I shoved her aside so I could go eat.

After eating, I got dressed. I put on black track pants and a long-sleeved navy blue shirt. The weather was getting colder, so it would be best to stay warm. My quirk works better when I'm warm because my sweat works like nitroglycerin. If I run into any villains while I'm out, I need to defend myself.

I walked down and was almost to the door when I was stopped. "Wait, you're actually going out!?" I turn around with a cold look on my face to see pink skin and hair. "Yeah." I say angrily. "Did you think I was making that up?" By now everyone is looking our way to see what's going on. She looked down like she was worried.

"Well, I kinda did. I thought you were just saying that just to get me to leave." The rest of the class was whispering to one another. Probably about who should confront me about this. "Kacchan it's probably not safe. Mr. Aizawa said we should stay in today." I look to my left to see Deku. Now I'm really pissed. I hate it when that nerd talks to me!

"Can't I enjoy one morning to myself without anyone bothering me!?" Everyone flinched as I yelled. "You know what, Fuck it! I'm going out to get away from all of you! If a villain attacks me then I'll kill them!" And with that, I stormed out and slammed the door behind me. I could only imagine the faces on everyone. Well, that's what they get for messing with me when I'm pissed.

Deku POV:

Kacchan always got triggered easily, but I have never seen him lose it like that before. I looked around to see everyone's faces in complete shock! I looked over to Ashido, who looked like she was about to cry. "Hey, don't worry Ashido. Kacchan can defend himself if he gets into trouble."

I tried to calm her down, but she only looked at me. "Am I the only one who has read the news today?" Her voice was shaky. Then I realized that I haven't looked at my phone at all today. I knew that a villain escaped because a few of our classmates were talking about it, but I didn't know how serious it was. "No, I actually haven't read the news yet. My phone is up in my dorm."

She pulled her phone out of her pocket and began searching. She pulled up the headline for today. "Here, read this." I took the phone from her hands and began to read. I must have had a fearful look in my face because she said "This is why I'm worried too." I gave her back the phone and slid on my shoes as fast as I could. Kaminari ran up to me.

"Midoriya, do you have a death wish or something!?" I didn't listen to him. I didn't even answer him. I just ran out the door without even saying bye.

Bakugou POV:

I walked downtown to try and calm myself. Who do those people think they are? I am perfectly capable of defending myself! I looked around. There were very little people on the streets considering it's Saturday. Was this villain really that powerful?
Suddenly, someone pushed me. It wasn't hard enough to make me fall, but I did stumble. The person ran off. I couldn't take it anymore. I chased after them. I couldn't see their face, but their hair was deep black and probably long enough to reach their knees if they weren't running. "You're gonna pay for that! Get back here!" But the person had no intention of stopping. They turned a corner into an alley. "That idiot doesn't realize that it's a dead end." I mumble to myself. I go down the same alley that they went down.

"Now you're gonna get it!" But when I reached the end of the alley, no one was there. "Real funny! Now come out and pay for what you did!" I sensed someone behind me, so I turned around. There was a person blocking the exit to the alley. The girl was about my age. She had long black hair that reached her knees. She wore a pink sweater with sleeves that covered her hands, but the torso part of the sweater revealed her stomach. She wore jean shorts and black tennis shoes. Her face was expressionless. "No one messes with Katsuki Bakugo! Get ready to die!"

I charged at her, and she just stood there. Her face unchanging. I put my hand out getting ready to use my quirk, and she grabbed my arm with both of her hands. She moved one foot to turn around, then she threw me against the brick wall. I hit my head hard, but I managed to let out a scream. The last thing I saw was the girl's eyes glowing red, then everything went black.

Deku POV:

I ran downtown. I knew the route Kacchan normally took to calm down. I didn't see him anywhere. "Kacchan, please be okay." Suddenly, I heard a scream. It sounded like Kacchan! Strange, Kacchan wouldn't normally scream unless something was really wrong. I turned on One For All and ran in the direction of the scream.

I looked down every alley hoping to find him. In one of them, from the corner of my eye, I saw a girl with long black hair and a pink sweater. She fit the description in the news headline. She was holding something, I mean someone by the hair. It looked like a child. I charged at her. She must not have known I was there because she did nothing to block or dodge my attack. I kicked her in the face, and she dropped who she was holding and then she went flying to the end of the alley.

She quickly recovered and...ran off? I was so confused. I was about to run after her when I heard a small voice behind me yell "Deku!" Then I heard a thud! I turned around to see a child about 4 years old. He was laying on the ground as if he just fell. He sat up and looked confused. However, something about this kid looked familiar. "Wait...Kacchan?" The kid looked up and had an angry look on his face. "Who else would it be, nerd!" He said in a squeaky voice. His expression changed to surprised as he touched his throat. He looked down to see the shirt that was now 10 sizes too big on him.

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