Part 11: Parents

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Bakugo POV:

I've been a little kid for fifteen days now. Fifteen more and the villain will be able to use her quirk again. I've actually been having lots of fun like this. Everyone is so nice to me, even though I used to be a total jerk to them. I've come to learn that Deku is pretty cool, and I'm still unsure why I used to hate him so much.

I was sitting with Deku in the living area when Mr. Aizawa came into the dorm building. He asked to speak with us. Deku took my hand, and the three of us stepped outside. "So the both of you know that the villain can use her quirk soon, right?" Deku and I nodded.

"Currently, we have no way of finding her again. We have sent out pro heroes both day and night to look for her ever since her first murder. We found nothing. The only times she was ever spotted were the days that she is able to use her quirk." I had no clue where he was going with this.

I looked up at Deku. He didn't seem to know, either. Mr. Aizawa continued. "It is going to be extremely difficult to capture her again. She is only ever seen when she can use her quirk, and she is extremely dangerous when she can use it. So, Bakugo..." He looked down at me.

"...You may or may not have to be like this for and extra thirty days. It all depends on if we can get her before she uses her quirk on someone else."

Honestly, I didn't know what to say. I just stood there with my jaw dropped. Another thirty days? I wasn't sure if I was supposed to be happy or disappointed. Mr. Aizawa looked at Deku now.

"Midoriya, on the chance that he will be like this longer, we have to go tell his parents. Those words echoed in my head a few times. "Wait, tell my parents about this!?"

They both looked down at me. "Kacchan, we need to tell them. If they texted you at all in the last fifteen days, you wouldn't have known because your phone is still broken." He turned to Mr. Aizawa. "So when are we going?"

Mr. Aizawa thought about it for a minute. "Well, we can go right now. It might be better to just get it out of the way." I did not want to do this.

We took the bus to my house. I sat on Deku's lap the entire way. I kept thinking about what my parents would do. What would they think about their son being four years old again?

We got off of the bus, and walked the rest of the way. It wasn't that far. We came up to the door, and Mr. Aizawa knocked on it.

Deku POV:

Mr. Aizawa knocked on the door. Not long after, Mitsuki answered it. She looked at Mr. Aizawa, then at me. I don't think she saw Kacchan yet. "Oh, hello Izuku. And you're Aizawa, right? Katsuki's teacher?" Mr. Aizawa nodded.

"Hi Mitsuki. Umm...we came over to talk about Kacchan." She glared a little bit. Her voice was cold. "What has Katsuki done this time? I swear, if he hurt you Izuku! The next time I see him, I'm gonna-"

Mr. Aizawa interrupted her. "Please, there's no need for that. Your son isn't in trouble, we just need to talk about him." Mitsuki looked confused. "What do you mean by that?"

I continued for him. "Well, Kacchan was hit by a quirk. But don't worry, he's perfectly fine." Mitsuki looked more confused. "Then, where is he?"

Kacchan let go of my hand and walked over to her. I guess she saw him from the corner of her eye, because she looked down. "Hi mom." Mitsuki stood there with her jaw dropped.

"Katsuki?" She gasped, realizing that this is her son. She stuck her head back in the house. "Masaru! Get over here! It's about Katsuki!" Soon enough, Masaru ran over here.

He looked at me and Mr. Aizawa, confused. He turned to his wife. "What happened?" Mitsuki bent over and picked up Kacchan. "Katsuki was hit by a quirk." Masaru looked at his son. His jaw dropped.

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