Just a Talk

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Katsuki was scared. And it was weird.

Not the "oh my gosh, you dropped a huge ass book behind me" kind of scared. No. This was a "Good Lord, help me, I apologize for my sins, please take me quickly, I'm about to die" kind of scared.

He knows that beating up kids is wrong, but the teacher said that Izu was useless. Now loud, but he heard it. And he didn't like that Izu was useless. He doesn't quite know what it means, but it means something bad, and Izu didn't tell him that he did something bad. That means Izu didn't trust him, and that made Kastuki feel all weird and droopy. When he asked his mom about it, she looked at him funny. When he asked his dad, his dad said he was sad. Which was bullshit, 'cause he's never sad, because sad means crying, and crying is for weaklings. Plus, he ain't cryin now, is he?

When he told his mom that he was grounded for a month. One week for reflection, one week for the bad words, one week for the attitude, and one week for good measure. 'Least, that's what his mom said.

So when he saw the other kids beat up Izu, he just stood back and watched, ignoring the sad. But today was different. Today he was gonna confront Izuku about what he's been hiding from him. He didn't mean to join the other kids in beating him up. And honestly, if he wasn't so terrified, he'd be glad Uncle 'Sashi showed up. Seeing Izu all beat up and crying was making the sad worse, and it got so bad he doesn't think it was a sad anymore. It hurt more, and it made him want to get mad, sad, and weird at the same time. He wanted to hug and comfort Izu, and he wanted to run and cry. But you don't know that, because if you do, he's got a smart Mama and a scary Auntie.

And that scary Auntie was married to a usually not so scary Uncle 'Sashi. Uncle 'Sashi usually makes them cookies, plays with them in the sand, takes them to the beach, and tells them stories with his colors(he says they're one of his quirks, and that they're a secret. He said the lights were only for me and Izu, so we can't tell anybody). But when he, wing-extra(Tsubasa?), and glowy-extra(Monoma?) turned around and saw his Uncle, he was pe-tri-fied. Petrified. Because Uncle 'Sashi looked scary. He was angrier than his Mom was when the house is dirty. And that's nothing to sneeze at. But this? This was a whole new level of angry. It made him feel like the whole world was glaring at him like the air was squishing him, and the room was shrinking.

He yelled at the other kids with a really scary voice. He burrowed himself further and further into the corner, willing the wall to swallow him. Izu just ran up and hugged him, he never realized how much respect he held for his friend until now.

He walked home with Uncle 'Sashi and Izu. Uncle 'Sashi's face didn't go back to normal, but it wasn't scary anymore. The weird, heavy thing in his chest got tighter and a lot more heavier.

He was staring out the window of Izu's Parent's car when Uncle 'Sashi started taking us to see Auntie Inko. That was when it happened.


"Kid, we need to talk."


Kastuki froze, then slowly looked up to the mirror to make eye contact. He didn't need an empathic quirk to tell him that the kid felt bad. Not only that but he also didn't know how to deal with it. Hoo boy, this is gonna be interesting.

"Kastuki, why did you hurt Izuku?"

The kid's face was a flurry of emotions before settling on a mix of guilt, anger, and confusion.

"Izu was hidin' something from me, and he wouldn't tell me. So I was gonna talk to him about it. ...I didn't mean to hurt him... I just got mad."

Hiding something? Izuku tells Kastuki literally everything. He wouldn't know about his quirks otherwise.

"What do you think he was hiding from you?"

Izuku stirred in his sleep before settling again. Katsuki waited a moment before answering.

"Iitalla-sensei said he was something bad, which means he did something bad, and he didn't tell me."

...If this is what he thinks it is, he's going to blow a fuse.

"What did she call Izuku?"

"She said he was useless." he hesitated for a moment before speaking again. "What was Izu hiding from me? And why does everyone keep being weird around him?"

Hisashi was seething. That wretch thought she could just waltz around call a four-year-old useless. Who does she think she is?

"...Kastuki, did Izuku tell you he was Quirkless?"

"Yeah, the whole class knows, Iitalla-sensei told us. It was all weird and mean. Usually, sensei is nice and happy. But she's only nice to me and all the extras now, she all mean to Izu. Why?"

...Hisashi is really glad those cameras have audio.

"I'm really disappointed in you Kastuki. I don't want this to ever happen again, you hear me?

The kid looked at his feet, guilt overtaking his features before he looked up, determined, and nodded at his uncle.

"Good, thank you. But just know that I'll be telling you parents about this later."

The boy cringed. When they were about three-quarters of the way to the hospital, Kastuki spoke again.

"Uncle 'Sashi?"

"Yeah, kid?"

"I'm sorry for hitting Izu."

"You should tell him that when he wakes up, okay?"

"I will."

Thank god. That went over much smoother than he thought. Although...



"What that teacher called Izuku is something absolutely cruel and mean. She shouldn't even be at your school anymore for what she did. Useless means pointless. She was saying that Izuku can't do anything, that he's no better than the dirt. And for that, she shouldn't be working there. If she ever calls Izu that or does anything even a little mean, tell me. If any other kids are hurting or saying bad things to Izu, tell me. He doesn't deserve that, and while he could protect himself, he shouldn't have to. Nor will he, he loves people too much. Can you do that for me?"

The small blond gave a small determined smile, nodding at his uncle.

"Yeah! I'm gonna protect Izu, I'm gonna be the bestest friend ever! Just you see, Uncle 'Sashi! He'll be so happy, nobody will be able to hurt him, no matter what they say!"

Hisashi smiled, finally letting go of his anger for the day. They reached the hospital, and as he brought the boys inside, he ruffled Kastuki's hair with a perfect replica of Izuku's sunshine smile.

"I know you will, sport."

Someone, Please give Deku a Break (cross posted on AO3)Where stories live. Discover now