Somewhere far away from here

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"Do you know who's gonna be your Prince Eric?", Katie asked on facetime, when I had called her the next morning. New York must have been sad that I was leaving, because it had been raining all morning, drops of water overshadowing my view of the city I now called my home. The Big Apple had made me the woman I was.

Katie and I weren't talking every day but we were still pretty close, despite not being able to see each other since she was living in London, working in finances. If you had told me nine years ago that the adventures, spontaneous party-goer that was my cousin would end up in a bank, while I ended up here in one of the biggest most exciting cities in the world, I wouldn't have believed you.

Who would have thought that she's was gonna be the one with a 'normal' job, not me?

"Nah, I don't think they have casted anyone yet and if so, then I'm clueless", I chuckled folding the last piece of clothing to go in my suitcase. I had spent the whole evening and night packing and I still wasn't finished. I mean what do you bring for such a long period of time away? Isabella and even Tommy luckily helped me, until it was time for home to leave and Isa too needed to hurry to work after dropping me off at JFK.

"And that is why you have me!", Isabella exclaimed, bursting into my room with a bag full of toiletries as if she had listened to our entire conversation. She placed the sunflower patterned cloth that was carrying my whole collection of bathbombs and shower gels, on my bed and dramatically sat down next to it. "I have information."

"I'm sorry for the interruption, Katie. I'll get back to you when my privacy invading roomate and I have finished packing", I said reaching for my phone on the bookshelf, that served as my tripod during our facetime call. A few books on that shelf were already in my suitcase, seeing as I wanted to make use of them in my freetime on set.

"No! I want to know what information she has. Put me back on the shelf!", Katie demanded making me roll my eyes and Isabella chuckle. I threw Isa a questioning look that was supposed to say is that okay? which she seemed to understand because she nodded and I pointed the front camera at us.

"So I had a few calls with some people at the Times working for the entertainment section and they revealed to me that-", Isa started, using my wooden box of polaroids as a drumset. "Apparently Disney is in talks with someone famous to be playing the role of Eric."

"Duh, of course it's someone famous! Why would they cast a nobody", Katie huffed in disappointment of Isabella's information. "It's a Disney movie, they didn't cast Will Smith in the Aladdin remake for nothing."

"Excuse me?", I growled into the camera in front of me. I didn't see myself as someone famous and that made me ask myself what the hell I was doing in this movie once again. And Katie apparently thought so too.

"I was not talking about you. You're not a nobody. You were Carole King, THE Carole King on Broadway", she said, rolling her eyes at me. "And you're gonna be THE Jess Carter when this movies comes out, so stop whining." Hey!

Before I was able to let any words of outrage escape from my shocked, open mouth, Isabella spoke again interrupting our exchange. "My prediction is that's it's either an actor who hasn't sung that many times... or a singer who hasn't acted many times. They said it's someone unexpected."

"UNEXPECTED?!", Katie squealed in excitement.

"Un-expected?!", I exclaimed in confusion.

"I hope it's Justin Bieber!", Katie let out enthusiastically, making the two of us frown at her stupid suggestion. It's not that I wasn't curious - or nervous to say the least - to find out who's gonna be my on-screen partner, but I was gonna find out soon enough, so there was no need to speculate.

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