We haven't spoken, since you went away

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"Good morning sweetheart", a familiar voice said to me on the same day but hours later, when I woke up in the small room that functioned rather as a walk in closet than a bedroom. But I wasn't complaining, it was cozy and much different from the room I had stayed in these last few month, which I appreciated. The view of the ocean was replaced with a view of the city, skyscrapers next to skyscrapers and a chipotle right at my feet instead of the beach. When I had fallen asleep at three am, it was still open, almost shining a light as bright as the moon. The familiar voice waking me up wasn't the you might have guessed. It was Cedar with a tray of breakfast items in his hands. "Did you sleep well?"

"What? Ehm, morning. Yes, I did", I said in a sleepy voice, barely opening my eyes. It took a few minutes of yawning and stretching until my mind was awake and able to function. Despite the fact that I had been in a horrible place when I had reached Cedars's apartment , I felt pretty relaxed and like I had gotten enough hours of sleep. It was almost suspicious how relaxed I felt. I reached for my phone on the nightstand where I had placed to before falling asleep listening to sad music playing from my AirPods. When it was nowhere in sight, I started looking for on the mattress I was laying on and under the covers I was wrapped up in. Still it was nowhere to be found. "God, where's my d*mn phone?

"Relax, Jess", Cedar said to me, placing the plate of freshly made pancakes and a glass of orange juice from the tray on the nightstand. It was very sweet of him to make me breakfast, I just didn't know if I was gonna be able to eat anything at all, although the last meal I had had was chicken parmesan on the plane. It had also been very sweet of Cedar to open the door for me after I had taken an uber from Malibu to Downtown LA in the middle of the night. "Here I am trying to be a good host for once, making breakfast and shit, and the only thing you're worried about is your phone. I took it, so you wouldn't get interrupted from your peaceful night sleep. It's in the kitchen"

"In the kitchen? Why? How was I supposed to hear my alarm? Wait-What time is it?"I asked, when I looked around his spare room and noticed that the sun was shining through the small window opposite of the bed. It didn't seem like it was early in the morning outside, but we were gonna start filming at eight. It didn't seem like it was eight. I started panicking and unwrapped myself from covers, before I got up from the mattress way to storm off into the kitchen to get my phone leaving Cedar and the breakfast he had made for me behind. "I need to be on set!"

"No, you don't", Cedar said following me to my phone, that was indeed placed on the kitchen table. Before I even asked him what he meant, it picked up hastily and in addition to the five missed calls from Katie, I saw that it was almost noon. I turned around to Cedar in horror, who sat the plate of pancakes down on the table and took a deep breath. "Okay, I was gonna wait till you've eaten some of those pancakes, because you're seriously a drama queen when you're hungry, but our thanksgiving break has been extended for a day because Harry has called in sick this morning and without him we can't film the remaining scene."

"He has called in sick? Him?", I said with my mouth wide open in shock. I couldn't believe that he had the audacity to let our dispute, or whatever you wann call it, effect our work. This was exactly what I was afraid of, right from the start. He was not sick, he was perfectly fine the last time I had seem him. He just didn't want to face me, probably. Why? I should have been the one who called in sick. It was me who wrongfully cared for him for than he cared for me. Thinking about our conversation, I couldn't help the words that escaped my mouth next. "That arrogant son of a b*tch!"

"That sounds less sarcastic then when I heard you say it last time", Cedar commented, followed by a chuckle, but it was true. Harry and I had joked about it, he himself had admitted it, but I didn't think I would say it about him and actually mean it. Yes, there was still some anger left in me, even after a peaceful night sleep and maybe it had something to do with me being a drama queen when I hadn't eaten, but same as being on my period, it wasn't a reason to believe this wasn't me. Because it was indeed coming from the real me, that wasn't hidden behind a facade, that some people especially in Hollywood loved to put on.

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