Change of plans

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I'm sowwy🥺 I didn't update in a long 
time but imma try but I have two ideas on what to do but I don't know which one for this story but imma try and go for this idea that I came up with first😂.

Billie's POV
  It's been a couple of days when I saw that bitch and y/n go inside OUR restaurant that WE wanted to go and not only did they go in there, that bitch kisses my baby, my y/n, MY bitch.

Y/n's POV
It's been a couple days since me and Brandon went on our "date" and it went somewhat okay besides I kept on thinking about Billie when I looked at Brandon or how about when me and Billie wanted to come here together. But the strangest thing happened before me and Brandon kissed and walked in I thought I saw Billie but who cares i was probably thinking it was her, also I feel bad but I've been losing feelings for Brandon and having more feelings for Billie.

I'm bored as shit and Brandon isn't answering any of my texts so imma fuck around and text my psycho crush😳 but I'm not gonna say anything flirty or disrespectful or bad, I'm just gonna say "I'm sorry" because I know she's been going through stuff and I blocked her thinking like that's gonna tell her that I love her.

Still y/n's Pov
When I texted Billie "how's life" and "how are you?" she said "it's fine" which I know it's not fucking fine and saying "I'm fine and better" but we got over what happened in the past so I guess you could say we're good again and that bitch Brandon hasn't texted me back and when I was gonna text him he told me it was over and it never talk to him and he doesn't like me anymore but I get it to cuz I was loosing feelings too.🤣

A/n: I'm sorry I haven't been posting more often🥺

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