Shes my lover

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Brandon's POV
I was fixing my pants and heading out of one of my side pieces house (idk if I said y/n and Brandon were dating before but they were) when I saw a matte black Dodge Challenger across the street.weird. but thought nothing of it and when I was walking to my car I felt someone knee my I'm the back of my knee and put a cloth over my mouth, I tried fighting and not breathing into the cloth but whoever it was holding me down had a good grip (hahaha weak bitch) and i couldn't hold my breath for any longer but before I blacked out I heard a females voice say "think you can get away and cheat on my lover" and blacked out.

Bils POV

I was following Brandon to see where he was going and found out he was going to a bitches house but thought nothing of it cuz it could be just a homie or his homies girl but when I saw them kiss and shut the front door, my blood boiled and it boiled even more when I saw them fucking through that hoes window I laughed cuz when he was hitting her in the front he looked like a fruit (there's nothing wrong about being gay) cuz he had his legs up and his toes curling like a lil bitch but also found out he was a quicky. I know my y/n wouldn't like that shit.

I hid behind his car and when he walk out fixing his pants and smiling.this prick thinks he did something to that poor girl lmao weak. And when he was about to get in his car I jump out and kneed his back knee and put a cloth over his mouth it was easy holding  him down cuz he was trying to fight back but he was to weak too i bet I could fucking carry him but he couldn't fight longer and then he past out. I tied him up and carried him to the back of my car and chuckled to myself cuz I could carry him without a sweat. I took his phone and easily got into his phone 1234 like really, come on, and texted y/n and basically said were done and got to driving home with "puppy love" by Paul anka lightly playing in the background with a smirk on my face.

A/n: I know this sucked ass

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2020 ⏰

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