Chapter 4: Am I a Fool to Still Love You? (Colby's POV)

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     Seriously Colby? The love of your life is standing in front of you after 6 months of not talking or seeing each other and you bring up New York. I probably sounded petty or mad. A normal person would be mad but I still love her. I think? When I saw the hurt look she gave me, I hoped she didn't just turn and walk away.
     "It's good... just different," she answered and nodded reassuringly.
     "I'm sorry that came out wrong," I apologized.
     "No I'm sorry I left"
     "Don't apologize I understand," she looked at me when I said that and smiled. Before I knew it she had pulled me into a hug. I cautiously wrapped my arms around her and she leaned her head on my chest. I felt like I was holding on for dear life. Like it was the last time. I don't know how long we stayed like that but she pulled away when her phone buzzed. She pulled it out of her pocket and looked at it.
     "Crap, uh... my friends are waiting for me..." she looked up at me and I nodded understandably.
     "I'll see you around?" I asked.
     "Yeah of course!" She smiled. That same damn smile I fell in love with. The smile that would appear when I made a stupid joke or tickled her. The same smile she wore when I won her the teddy bear at the pier. I remembered how it was given back to me in the box Azaria gave me after we broke up. I still have it. We said our goodbyes and she walked away. I took a deep breath and looked down.
     "What happened?" Jake asked as him and the guys walked over.
     "Uh I don't know. She had to go meet her friends," I shrugged and looked at Sam.
     "On a completely unrelated note, there's a party tonight for creators at a club down the street. We should go to it," Corey spoke and looked at us. We all agreed and decided to go get lunch.

I Loved You - Sequel to I Hate You | Colby Brock Where stories live. Discover now