March 20, 2020 (Lee Yong-sun pov)

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Rain. All I can see is rain. Coldness. All I can feel is the cold wind hitting my body like a baseball bat as I walk out of the store. Sadness. Something we all feel in our lives but today....This damn day why did it have to happen today.? Loneliness. Something I am always going to feel. I walk down the empty streets with nothing but a thing sweater and my book bag. "Ugh!" I trip on a rock that is on the sidewalk. "Seriously" I stay there for a bit hating my life. "Well great first I forget my umbrella at home and now I fall down looking dumb." I said annoyed. "Here let me help" I quickly look up to look at the person who offered a hand. I see a boy with an umbrella hovering above me. He has a hoodie on and a mask. 

"No thanks I can get up myself." I said coldly. I get up rather quickly and look at him and he is at least 5 inches shorter than me.  "Sorry I couldn't help myself I saw you fall and I just felt bad." He said nicely. " I do not need your help or anyone's . Just leave me alone." I said and started to walk away. "Oh okay sorry.." He said sadly. I hate getting pity from others. I would rather have someones hate than pity. "Ugh this day sucks" I walk home slowly, even though it is raining and I am soaked I would do anything to stay away from home for as long as I can. I stand in front of my house with hatred in my eyes. "Well time to deal with this shit hole." I say as I open the gate, walk up the stairs and open the door. As soon as I do I get hit with a frying pan. "OW! WHAT THE FUCK!" "WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN" My "father" says. "School you-" "DON'T TALK BACK TO ME YOU ASS. AS LONG S YOU LIVE UNDER MY ROOF IT IS MY RULES." he says cutting me off and slapping me. 

As I get up from the hit I tell him as calm as I can "Well good that I am leaving this shit hole soon." I stormed up the stairs to my room and slam the door. I look around at my room and see nothing but trash. "Ugh why couldn't he use his room instead of taking all his sluts here." My father is a cheating drug addict and my mother is not any better. Thank god I have college tomorrow and can escape this place. I saved up enough money to pay off the rest of my tuition fee with my two jobs. Even though I got a scholarship that was not enough to pay for the rest of my studies so over the summer I went through some jobs to pay off the rest. I get to live in the dorms so I get to move out of this shitty place. Just a few more hours and I will be out of here. I packed one suitcase since I did not have much to bring in the first place. I lay in bed just thinking about the new things I get to experience. Finally I am going to college. Do my parents know? No. Do they need to know? I couldn't give less of a shit and just wanted to leave. I mean they will find out eventually right? Just...a...few....more hours I thought as I drifted off to sleep. Tomorrow I will leave and start a new life. A new life waiting for me. 

Hey its me and I am sorry for any errors and mistake and sorry if the chapter was boring but I promise it will get better. This is my first story so I hope it is not shit. Thanks for reading!-Carla 

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