More surprises, packing, and stress.

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Chapter 2:
Tess' p.o.v::

I open my eyes, hearing soft snores coming from the floor. I laugh, shaking my head. I slide off my bed, stepping slowly, making sure not to step on the sleeping giant. Harry gets grouchy if I wake him up. I shut the bathroom door and brushed my teeth. I have this weird thing were before and after I take a shower, I brush my teeth. Don't ask why. I just do. I turn on the shower and peel my pajamas off. I step in, the warm water soothing my tense muscles...

*Harrys P.O.V* 

        I wake up and hear the shower. It's only then do I realize where i am- Tess'. I rub my eyes groggily. I shuffle into the kitchen, and start making eggs. I hum to myself, deep in thought. I was startled when I heard a knock at the front door. "It's open!" I called. Niall comes walking in. " 'Ello Harry!" He says, his Irish accent rolling off his tongue smoothly. I smile, "Niall! What are you doing over here at 9 in the morning?" I ask, cheerfully. His deep blue eyes sparkle, "I figured you were over here telling her the news! Oh- and we kind of accidentally booked our plane tickets for tomorrow instead of next week and they're nonrefundable. So start packing." He said quickly, running into Tess' room. "NIALL JAMES!!" I scold, charging after him. I tackled him, landing on Tess' bed. "You knuckle head!! I have ONE day to get ready to go to America!!" Tess finally walks out of the bathroom, ready for the day. "ARE. YOU. SERIOUS." Tess said scrabbling into her closet throwing her suitcase on the bed, shoving all her pants, sweatshirts, t-shirts, sneakers, socks, ECT. "I made you breakfast..." I say, batting my eyes. Her face softens, "Thanks Harry. You should both be packing! Go home. I'll call you both later." She pulls us both into a warm hug. "Now shoo! I have things todo! Just text me the details of the trip and I'll be ready. We ARE catching that flight, no matter what." She stares at us sternly. We practically ran out of her apartment.

**Tess' P.O.V**
        After the boys left, I realized that I should probably call Lucas, my boyfriend. I waited for him to pick up. "Hi baby!" He said cheerfully. I smile at the sound of his voice. "Hey babe, listen... The boys and I are going on vacation for two weeks. We leave tomorrow. I just found out. I'm packing now. Come over please?" I say softly. "On my way." He whispers, making a kissy sound as he hung up. "Oh crap." I whisper nervously.

Hey everyone! I hope you enjoy the story, this is kind of just the intro, it'll get more intresting as the story continues! I post this on instagram, everyone seems to like it. I hope you do as well! xx

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