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"My hands are huge."

Ashton rotated his hands in front of his face as he rested his head on Joanna's lap while she massaged her fingers into his scalp. They were sprawled atop his bed with the quiet rumble of music from Ashton's iPod playing in the background.

"You know what they say about big hands." Joanna smirked with a glint of mischief in her eyes.

Ashton rolled his head to the side to look up at her, "Big gloves?"

She sighed ruffling his curls a tad to where they fell over his eyes, "Yes, looks like you're going get giant mittens this Christmas."

Ashton blew his hair out his face then rolled over so that he was resting on his stomach. Only his lower half was covered in a pair of sweatpants leaving his chest exposed so that Joanna could see every muscle contort as he shifted.

"What do you want for Christmas Jo Jo?" He smiled revealing the deep indents on his cheeks.

"I don't know." Joanna shrugged because she honestly was planning to spend Christmas like any other day, in her room.

"You've always had a thing for tattoos." He commented.

She perked an eyebrow, "So what you're going to take me to get one?"

"Maybe or.." He leaned in slightly brushing his nose against hers, "I could get one so that you can drool over me."

She pecked his nose pushing him off of her, "Your mom would kill you."

Ashton rolled his eyes dramatically, "She doesn't have to know. I could get it in a secret spot that only you will know about." He winked giggling right after.

Joanna smiled because Ashton was never one to stay serious for long. No matter how hard he tried he always ended up giggling like a little school girl.

She tugged the blanket up to her chin  with her knees tucked to her chest underneath. The weather had been getting colder lately and Ashton's thin walls allowed the chilly air to seep right in.

"If you did get a tattoo what would you get?"

Ashton bit his lip as he thought. Joanna never really saw him as the type to get a tattoo but the more she thought about it the more she wanted to see his skin covered in ink. The swirls and edges would go so well on his massive biceps or he could get a design on his chest which would peek out from his collarbones teasingly.

"I would get your portrait." He interrupted her sinful thoughts which had her face flushing red.

"W-what." She cleared her throat trying to rid the image of her fingers tracing lines on his tainted skin.

"I would get your face right here." He patted his inner thigh, "So that whenever I'm jacking off I can-"

"Oh my god stop." She covered her face with the sleeves of her sweater feeling way too hot considering the temperature in the room.

"It's true." He nodded matter-o-factly.

There was a thump from downstairs followed by the crash of glass shattering. Joanna jumped because they were the only ones in the house and the first thought that came to her mind was that some serial killer had broken in and was about to skin her alive.

"Stay here." Ashton ordered already halfway out the door.

"Ashton." The door slammed shut cutting off her protest. He was always the one to go check something out which is why she always said he would be the first to die in a scary movie. Ashton was way too curious, that's what led to him going on pornhub when he was only ten and then proceeding to try to teach an innocent Joanna about role playing.

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