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Kongpob can't get the adorable being from the other day out of his head.

Of course, the white-haired cat was indubitably beautiful, but Kong also thinks that her owner is just as captivating, if not more. Especially because of the way his cheeks had been flushed for the entire fifteen minutes that they had been just a few steps away from each other.

Silently, Kong had put all his energy into observing the boy, who had seemed so shy that his eyes had never left his shoes for the entire duration of his visit to the veterinary clinic. As for the cat, Pinkmilk, she'd behaved quite well during the short consultation. Or, at least, she hadn't minded the two injections Queen had given into her right leg. She'd merely licked at where the needle had pricked her, and then strutted around the observation table to return to her owner's arms.

Kong had found this adorable. Seeing them interact so naturally had allowed him an effortless insight into what the boy had told him a few minutes ago when he'd greeted him at the counter.

"You like cuddles and kisses, don't you?" Kong had remarked as he made a few notes on the cat's vaccination card. He'd closed it shortly after, smiling as he offered it to the owner, Arthit.

With the cat in his arms once again, Arthit had hesitantly taken the card and nodded slightly.

"Yeah. Um, my sister cuddles her a lot."

Kong had nodded a few times at the mention of said sister. Truthfully, now that he'd seen how close they were, he already doubted her existence.

"They must be inseparable, right?"

"Mmhmm." Arthit had nodded, glancing at the pet before stroking her neck with his fingers.

There had been a short silence between both boys, during which Pinkmilk's owner still dared not look Kongpob in the eyes.

Kong didn't know why, but he'd liked that small and comfortable silence that had formed between them, not broken even by Pinkmilk's soft purrs at her shy owner's petting.

However, Kongpob had cleared his throat, startling Arthit a little at the unexpected interruption.

"Right, well..." Kongpob had started, although he hadn't really wanted to. His right hand had gone to the cat's head to give her another petting between the ears. "See you later."

Arthit had looked up. It'd seemed as though he had come out of some sort of trance, only to enter into another when he saw a smile appear on the lips of the boy at the counter, which, although small, showed his teeth, and Arthit had found it dazzling.

"Y-yeah," Arthit stuttered. "See you later."

And that was all he'd managed to say before turning around to practically run out of the veterinary clinic.

With the feeling of Pinkmilk's soft fur still tickling his fingertips, Kong had laughed and shaken his head.

That boy was indeed adorable.

Nevertheless, Kongpob is brought back to reality upon hearing a new message notification pop up on his phone. He looks down at his hands, which are holding the device. Moments ago, he had subconsciously been staring at the glass doors of the clinic, wondering when Arthit would return.

have i told you that the boss's daughter is soooo pretty? is what M says in another of his texts.

Yes, you've already told me, M, Kong replies with a sigh.

It's Wednesday that day. M has been telling him about his boss's pretty daughter for the past week or so (or maybe two) and Kong is already tired of the subject.

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