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It's been no more than a week since Pinkmilk's last visit (and, of course, the company of her adorable owner), which has left Kongpob periodically sighing and staring at the glass doors of the clinic.

And of course, it doesn't go unnoticed by Queen. It had taken her a few days, but she'd finally caught on to the real reason that her brother continued to support her by doing his boring part-time job that summer.

She'd figured it out a couple of days ago, when she'd seen Kong sneaking out from behind his place at the counter to rush out of the clinic. So Queen had done what any older sister would do: follow him. Because of course, someone as responsible as Kongpob must have a good excuse to drop his work and leave the counter unattended, wouldn't they?

She'd followed cautiously from a few meters behind him, hiding in the corners and behind trees to avoid being seen, although she didn't have to worry, as her brother's eyes never left his target, even for a moment.

Kongpob hadn't stopped until a couple of streets later, near a street stall selling drinks. And then, Queen had seen Kongpob's reason for neglecting his work.

She hadn't recognised him at first, but upon delving into her memory, she recalled the boy whom her brother was following as one of her most recent clients; the owner of that beautiful white cat.

"You stalker, Kongpob." Queen says.

Now, they're back at the clinic. She'd retracted her steps before her brother realised that she had followed him. However, she wouldn't let him get away with it, and waited for him, sitting in his chair behind the counter, grinning with a knowing smile.

"Since when do you stalk my clients?" she comments, amused. She gets up from the seat to step around the counter and approach her brother with her arms crossed over her chest.

Kong is standing at the door, looking nervous. He knows he's been caught in the act, and his cheeks are even slightly flushed.

"Queen, it's not what you think-"


Queen's thunderous laughter echoes through the reception, startling Kong.

"How sweet! My baby brother has a summer crush!"

Upon seeing his sister's reaction, Kong realises he can't get anything past her. Queen has always been able to read him like an open book. He relaxes his tense shoulders, and chews at his lip, still thinking about what to say.

"You know, Kong, you could just ask him out instead of stalking him. You're going to scare him off."

And that's the last thing Queen says before she sticks her hands in the pockets of her coat and returns to her designated place in the clinic, leaving a very embarrassed Kongpob still standing in the front door.

But that, far from discouraging him, is what leads him to make a most important decision, at least for that summer.

He would talk to the boy, Arthit. He would ask him out. Yes, he would do the next time he saw him. It was decided.

And fortunately for him, or perhaps not, it happens very soon, just two days after his talk with Queen.

Kong is messaging M, who completely backs Queen in scolding Kongpob for stalking the boy, but who also gives him more strange advice that had apparently brought him success with his boss's daughter, May. And I'm the weird one?

we're already on our third date

and if i'm lucky, i'm going to kiss her tonight! 😍

Haha then good luck 👍🏼

you too, i hope your boy shows up today

ask him out already!

Maybe I'll take him to get a pink milk, Kong thinks. He's recalling how during those two days, it had been peculiar to him to find Arthit asking for pink milk at a stall. But it made sense. Someone as adorable as him, in addition to having an equally adorable cat, must also have adorable tastes.

He chuckles at the thought, exhaling a sigh upon finding himself thinking about him again.

Like Queen had said, Kong truly has a summer crush.


The bell chimes as the door opens. And with it, a new client enters the clinic.

"Help...m-my cat..."

Kong rises from his seat abruptly at the sudden entry. He looks up the client, Arthit, and takes in his worried expression. He looks as though he's on the verge of tears.

Then, he takes a look at Pinkmilk, who Arthit carries in his arms. There's definitely something wrong with her.

"What happened? How can I help?"

Queen had heard Arthit's call for help, so she makes her way to the front of the store as fast as she can. She has no trouble recognising the boy nor the animal.

"She's been sleeping since yesterday and hasn't woken up," Arthit begins explaining to the siblings, who are looking at Pinkmilk. Her fur doesn't look like it did before; it looks dull and is lacking its previous shine. "She doesn't want to eat, either. She just vomited and it scared me so much...I...I don't know what happened..."

Arthit's voice trails off on the last sentence, and Kong sees a tear falling down his left cheek. He wants to do something for the boy, perhaps comfort him, but he doesn't know how. This was not part of his plan.

Just a few moments later, Queen is already examining the cat in the office while Arthit silently watches her. Kong still doesn't say anything. He even feels guilty for having thought about asking him out the next time he saw him, which, of course, he wouldn't dare do now, what with the circumstances.

"It seems that Pinkmilk has eaten something unusual," Queen starts, with a calm and professional tone. She removes her gloves as she approaches one of the wall cabinets. "From what you've told me, Pinkmilk has a stomach infection, and while it's not very serious, if you'll allow it, she should be hospitalised for a few days for follow up."

Arthit nods enthusiastically, considerably more cheerful than he had previously been upon hearing the diagnosis. He heaves a sigh of relief and takes a step towards the table where Pinkmilk is resting.

Then, he touches her head delicately, emitting a soft purr from his pet, who feels the relieved caress of her owner.

And Kong, who has been there the entire time, simply watches the scene with a sad smile on his face. 

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