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Pinkmilk is hospitalised for a total of one week.

And during this time, a deeply anguished Arthit visits his beloved cat every day, staying with her for a few hours until he really feels that he should go. It isn't that he doesn't want to stay longer, or even for the whole day, but it pains him to stay there for too long, and he doesn't want to hinder Queen and Kong from doing their work.

Fully aware of this, and also of her brother's crush on the boy, Queen had repeatedly insisted that it was no problem for Arthit to stay as long as he wanted, because with him there, it had seemed that the whole clinic was shining for his presence...which was mostly due to her brother's goofy, luminous smile at the mere idea of having Arthit just a few meters away.

But Friday rolled around, and with that, a simple phrase completely wiped away the receptionist's smile.

"I'm discharging Pinkmilk today," Queen tells Kongpob that afternoon. "I've given up on you. You've seen that boy every day for the past week and you still haven't asked him out!" she snorts, rolling her eyes. "You've hardly said more than hello to each other!"

She's whispering, but Kong silences her with an embarrassed gesture as though, despite being alone, that someone would hear them.

On the one hand, Kong is happy that Pinkmilk is being discharged. He doesn't think he could endure any more of Arthit's sad expression whenever he comes to visit her. But on the other hand...he lowers his head. He's embarrassed about the other part of what Queen had said, which he admits is true. For the duration of the entire week, he had only exchanged a few words with Arthit, limiting himself to accompanying him from time to time while he visited Pinkmilk during her recovery.

"What am I supposed to do?" he answers his sister with a slight frown. "His pet is sick. I'm not so brazen as to flirt with him in such circumstances."

The woman rolls her eyes and shakes her head, lifting her hand off of his shoulder.

"Kongpob," she starts with a small sigh. "I always knew you were a bit silly, but...Pinkmilk has been fine for three days. I hadn't discharged her because I was hoping you would make progress with the boy instead of ogling him from a distance. Yes, I've seen you. It's pathetic, my dear brother."

"But-what the hell, Queen?!" Kong blurts out indignantly.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to charge him for the extra days," she gasps, pretending to be offended. "What kind of person do you think I am? I'm just trying to be a good sister. You know, I've always wanted to play Cupid for my friends. And now that you're working for me, I've decided to do you a favour with that boy that you like."

It's Kong's turn to roll his eyes, but he can't help laughing at her last comment.

"And just how many times have you been successful, Queen?"

"Pfft..." she gestures vaguely, then points at her brother, shifting her expression to a serious one. "Listen. Why don't you go up to him today and say something more interesting than a hello? From the way he blushes when he sees you, you can tell that he likes you, too."

"I guess I'll try." Kong says, more lively now. It's true, Arthit blushes every time they greet each other.

"Well, try it now, because here he comes."

At this, Kongpob turns his head quickly towards the door of the clinic. Sure enough, the boy is here on his daily visit to check on his pet. Today, he looks calmer than he had on other days, although as soon as he enters the place, as always, his cheeks form a shy smile.

"Hello." he says in a small voice to both siblings, but especially to Kong, who greets him in return with a murmur.

Queen smiles expectantly, looking at the boy and her brother once more. After that greeting, a profound silence hangs between them, and Queen knows.

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