Once a player always a player

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Laura was a teenage girl living in los angles California, she lived with her mother selen and her brother Michael in a small house in Broadway street , the 3 of them lived alone when laura's dad moved away to paris with his new wife.
Things were hard for her and her family financially and mostly emothionlly, they lived all their life fighting about money , but when Laura finally became 18 she start working as a tutor for HER friends in class and teaching small children in a day care so that she won't ask for money , so it doesn't put a load on her mum .
Laura was 5 feet and 6 inches , she had a light brown curly hair and dark brown eyes she was a really kind girl that always love to help people and be there for her friends , she loved old people and always offered to help them with anything , but she still was a party girl and was always partying in her rich friends house who she always thought she doesn't belong to them , but because she is not as much rich as them.
Laura was the kind of girl who liked boys so much , especially guys who pays attention to her , or good looking guys who always want to have fun , she deep down knew she wasn't a commitment person or a relationship material, so she didn't pay much attention in love but mostly in being satisfied and having fun , she always looked for more in looks and money as a first impression but she always wanted more . but she always promised herself that when she finds the right person she won't leave him and will always fight for him.
one day she was taking a walk to smoke and she found out the new neighbors across the street 2 blocks for her house and then the magic moment happened she saw that boy handsome , tall , looked athletic because he was holding a basketball he was 6'9 with yellow hair and blue eyes and she stood there starring at him when suddenly looked at her from far away and he came for her and said " hi neighbor" she answered right away with no hesitation in here voice "do I know you he said "no but I saw you looking at me so I thought it would be polite and say hi" then a deep voice inside of here said "oh this boy not only hot but he is also so polite and she answered him "well I didn't know that the people used to live here moved , so I was looking who moved in their house" he asked her to sit down and chat a little and she said "yeah of course why not I ain't doing anything anyway" right away he told her the whole story about them moving here from new York as his grand parents died and the will they left said they wanted the to live in their house so it wouldn't be abandoned , after a little while of talking she asked him "what is your name btw" he said "my name is john minity ma'm" she said "ma'm!!!! I ain't no ma'm just call me Laura " and she left saying "it was nice to meet you Joe hope to see you around more" when she left she kept thinking of him nun stop how he is so hot and polite and kind of guy that takes care of a girl , when she went home she found her mother fighting on the phone with her dad so she ignored it and went off to sleep , next morning at 5 am she wakes up hearing some noise come from the window she looks out to see john standing there with a bag on his sands 'obviously grocery' she said in a really quite voice "yo what are you doing up so early and how did you find out where I live and what do you want from me in such an hour" he said "so many questions are you always a detective like this maybe you can go down so we can have a descent conversation" she went down and then went into the roof and he told her I followed you home so that I know where do you live and second I came in early so we can sit alone and no one can disturbed us and third I wanted to talk to you because I really don't know anyone here except of you" they kept the conversation going both of them talking about their life and ex's and how life is here and new work after two hours he left leaving here for a question "do I really like him or it just because is so perfect its good to be true?" she was off to collage when she surprisingly met him but she walked away going to her class and she sat down and he sits besides her the class started and both of them didn't say a word to one another after class he explains to her that he goes to this school transferred from NYU but he is a senior and she is still a freshmen , they walked home together with a full joy in the way talking about mostly life and love and heartbreaks , weeks go by and they still see each other everyday going school together and sharing stories until one time when they were in front of her door step he said "mmm I know its kind of weird but I have to ask you this " talking to nerves his eyes are n the ground not her she said "yeah go on" he said " I known you for 3 months now you basically are the closest person to me and I love talking with you and hanging out with you but the problem is.....i cant see you as just a friend I really like you so much from the very first day I saw you and umm... I would really like to take you out on a proper date" she stood their surprised but happy she didn't want to show it in her face but she stayed quite  for a while staring at him and then out of the blue she kissed him very passionately like she has been waiting forever for him to ask her out she said "I would love to go out with you" the next day he came by here house with his car wearing a suite when he knocked on the door he meets her mother and they chit chat a little when Laura came from her room wearing a hot red dress with her hair up as a bun and a black heels he stared at here  for a min speechless not knowing what to say except " wow!!! Yo..you look amazing" she smiled and told him lets go we don't Wanna be late , they left the house and he drove his car , on the way to the restaurant he couldn't get his eyes away from here like she is an angle sent from the sky , when they finally arrived they laughed and talked as they couldn't to stop staring at each other's eyes and laugh all the way till one of the restaurant told them its closing time , they laughed and say " OMG we have been here the whole night!!! That's insane" when they left and was finally in front of Laura's house she went off the car and he said her name so she can turn around and told her "it was a great night , you look amazing , I've never seen such a beautiful star falling from the sky as you" he got off his car going towards here and they looked at each other's in the eye and then it start snowing over them when they kissed each other it felt like ice meeting with fire as both of their heart was melting from joy and happiness.
On  the other hand Laura never been in love before , when she felt she was in live with him she freaked out entirely , she kept thinking is it gonna last? Does he actually love me or just taking me for fun and just a matter of tie and he will get tiered of me , a lot of questions kept going through her mind till she felt tired and fall asleep  next morning when she wake up she heard he mother talking to someone down stairs and when she listen to them she found out that her father is suing her mum for custody and wanting the kids to go to Paris because her mum can't afford them a good life here , when the lawyer left she went to talk to her mum about it and both of them kept crying not knowing what to do she went to john's house telling him the news , a girl opened the door both of them felt shock nun of them know each other and then Laura asked her to call john when she asked her "telling him who?" she told her "his girlfriend" john came to the door before any thing happen and went out of the house and closed the door she asked him "who is she" he answered nervously "she is my cousin" they talked and she told him the story about her dad and cried a lot till he asked her to sit on the door steps and he hugged her so tight and kisses her telling her everything will be alright you are going to be just fine and all of this is going to pass and I will send you the family lawyer he will finish everything and you will stay here with us don't worry about anything just cheer up" she stopped crying leaning on his shoulder holding his hand not worrying about anything except knowing she have someone who she can relay on she felt a spark between them like its magic and that destiny had his ways to bring them together .
2 months passed  and her mum lost the case and her dad wins the custody of the kids ad it was 2 days till the time of her flight , john heard the news and went to her house but they didn't find her they called but she wouldn't pick up he and her mum kept searching everywhere asking all her friends about her but nun of them had seen her , he sat in her room searching for a clue when could she be when he finally saw a picture of here and her father the same exact photo she talked about in their date it was in a high building on the roof they were having a BBQ party and she said it was the happiest she saw herself that day , that she can re-do this day without getting bored , he tried to remember the address but he couldn't then he toke the picture showed it to her mum and then she told him where this place was he went their sawing here sitting on the roof listing to music and staring at the sky , he ran to her and hugs her so tight they both cried he from happiness but her from saddens that she is going to leave her one and only person she ever loved , they sat and listened to music , promising each other that this relationship wont just end because she is moving across the world he told her " we will make it work I won't leave you not in a million year I will see you in your visits when you come back we will Skype ad chat day and night he said(I will fight this world till the last breath I have till the day I can no longer breath just to be with you) I am sure we will make it work" the time of her flight came and she officially left without saying goodbye because she didn't want to think it is the last time she will see him

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