3) Full House

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Fischbach Residence
(Later That Same Day)

Mark- Watching out the window as we drive down the all to familiar street my house appearing. (Smiles Brightly) "It's so good to be home." Ethan pulls into the driveway and I feel a heavy shift of power in the air, knocking the literal breath right out of me.

Ethan- I must got the patience of a saint as I listen to Mark enthusiastically babble all the way home about his latest projects and Chica. (Smiles Fondly) Pulling into the drive way and parking as I shut the car off, I notice a complete change as he becomes really silent and tense. "Mark?" Worried, I place a hand on his shoulder. "Are you alright?"

Mark- Rubbing my chest hoping to ease the sever ache. (Nods) "Yeah, I'm great." Not thinking that what just happened might mean anything, I whip open the door and take in a deep breath of fresh air. "I can't wait to see Chica!" Slamming the door shut, I make it half way up the walkway when stars suddenly cloud my vision and everything goes black.

Ethan- I was getting Marks bag that he forgot, when I hear a pained yelp and a loud thud. Slamming the car door as I swiftly turn, seeing Mark sprawled out on the walkway. (Gasps Sharply) I'm not sure what shocked me more, the fact Mark passed out or the fact his Demons an Alters were all surrounding him, doing their best not to panic. "Guys, give him some space!" Rushing over as they let me through, I drop to my knees as I pick his head up into my lap. "Mark?" I gently tap at his cheek.

Mark- (Groans Pitifully) Slowly blinking my eyes open, I see Ethan staring down at me rather worried and then glance around in shock seeing the familiar faces. "What the Hell?!"

Wilford- (Frowns) "We'd be asking you the same thing, if Dark didn't already inform us."

Mark- Rather confused. "Inform you of what?"

Yander- Gesturing to all of us. "That the reason we are all corporal is because your magical necklace was broken and apparently so is your heart."

Dr Iplier- "We may be Demons and Alters, but we've grown very close to you Mark."

Bim- Picking up where he leaves off. "And unlike most, you don't resent us."

Dancer- Quickly putting in my two cents. "We all have a mutual understanding and respect for one other."

Dark- Standing on the porch as I watch over the others who hover over our bonded. "We protect what is ours." They all nod agreeingly.

Mark- I suddenly feel immense love and protectiveness soar through my chest. (Hums Contently)

Host- Kneeling as I take Marks hands in mine, carefully helping him to his feet. "Welcome home, Darling."

Jim- I can't help but to reach up and push some of his hair away from his eyes.

King- Helping Ethan to his feet, I take Marks bag from him.

Silver- I trail my fingers over both Marks and Ethan's arms as we all head inside.

(Inside The House)

Bing- Making a rather comedic gesture. "We cleaned up and organized the place."

Google- Bouncing up and down. "Even gave our Chica girl a much needed bath." Our puppy sits there patiently waiting for Mark to acknowledge her, once he's done checking the place out.

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