9) Glutton For Punishment

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Prince Manor
(Two Days Later)

3rd Person P.O.V- Dancer had walked into the game room, finding Anti glitched out. Attempting to calm the Demon to no avail, it all leads to the Demon chasing down the tweaked out Alter.

Dancer- I run through the vast halls of the manor, doing whatever it takes to evade the glitched out Demon.

Google and Bing- We were sitting on the couch in the game room, watching the utter mayhem ensue terrified for our other as he's chased down. "Shit."

Bim- I'm walking out of the bathroom, when Dancer runs by shortly followed by Anti. (Mumbles) "Well, fuck."

Die- Kit and I are walking downstairs, when we are nearly pushed down them. (Mutters) "Good thing Jim, King, Chase and Jackie are all in their rooms."

Kit- (Nods Agreeingly) Pausing once we get to the bottom of the stairs. "What about Dark, Will, Yander, Silver, Host and Blank?"

Die- My eyes widen in near horror. "I know Will and Yander wanted to practice weaponry together so they are out back, Host is with them making sure they don't kill one another.
Dark and Blank are in the kitchen with Mark an Ethan as Jack, Tyler and Felix went out shopping. Silver is supposed to be keeping an eye on everyone and what their doing so it wouldn't surprise me if Dark already knows."

Kit- We walk into the living room and find the two Drs are rather startled. (Hums Softly)

Dr Iplier and Dr Septic- We are sitting in the living room talking, when our conversation is interrupted by Dancer and Anti.

(Twenty Minutes Later)

Mark- My conversation with Ethan was interrupted by Dancer who rushes in shrieking at the top of his lungs, followed by Anti whom is glitched out. (Mutters Unhappily) "Really, it hasn't even been two days!"

Dark- I notice my bonded is more perturbed than scared by the Nightmare Demon. (Growls and Snarls) "ANTI!"

Anti- Immediately coming to a stand still, my eyes widening in horror. (Stutters) "Yes?"

Dark- Taking a sip of my coffee, before I dump the rest down the sink and stalking over to the glitched out Demon. "You have been warned." Grabbing his upper arm, we disappear in a burst of shadows.

(Ten Minutes Later)

Mark- I calm Dancer down, then he heads off to the game room to watch tv with Google and Bing.

Ethan- (Hums Curiously) Taking a sip of my juice. "Is Anti a masochist?"

Mark- (Snorts) I nearly choke on my coffee. "I've no idea, but considering how he likes to piss Dark off and how easily he submits to the pain...I'd assume so."  Not even seconds later our brothers walk in.

Tyler- Walking into the kitchen, setting down countless grocery bags. "Did we miss something?"

Ethan- Mark and I start helping to unpack all the food and essentials. "Kinda, Anti got into trouble already."

Jack- Putting away a couple boxes of cereal. (Sighs Heavily) "Already? It hasn't even been two days."

Mark- (Chuckles) "I said the same exact thing, like word for word."

Tyler- (Hums Amusedly) "What happened?"

Mark- Putting some vegetables away in the fridge. "Google and Bing were watching tv and Anti wanted the tv to play a game, so he glitched out. Dancer walked in and saw it, he tried to calm down the glitchy Demon but instead got chased through the manor."

Jack- (Shakes Head) "Not surprising, I'm so sorry my Demon is being a pain."

Ethan- Putting away the pasta, I walk over to Jack and rest my hand on his shoulder in a soothing manner.

Tyler- Glancing up from the grocery bag, I'm currently pulling food out of. "We all wanted this Jack..." Pausing briefly as I glance over at Mark whom gives us a raised eyebrow look.

Mark- (Shakes Head) "Our Demons and Alters are just going to have to learn who is in charge as well as to get along."

Jack- (Smiles and Nods)

Ethan- I help Mark, by taking what he hands me and putting it away in the fridge or freezer.

Tyler- (Smiles Happily) I go back to sorting through the last of the bags on the counter in front of me.

Felix- (Smiles Fondly) I go back to putting away the canned food in the pantry.

Mark- (Smiles) We go back to focusing on putting things away, though I'm not able to keep the dark thoughts from evading my mind as tears fall burning my cheeks.

(Thirty Minutes Later)

Jack- We noticed Mark was crying, but knew better than to push him into talking. "So, what do you think Dark is doing to Anti?" Mark, Ethan, Tyler and Felix all stop what they are doing and stare at me. (Blushes Deeply) "What?"

Felix- (Chuckles)

Tyler- (Shakes Head) We finish cleaning up.

Ethan- Getting another cup of juice as I sit back down at the kitchen island. "Not even if that's something we thought about, I don't think any of us truly know." We all look at Mark.

Mark- Getting myself a fresh cup of coffee, I turn back around and my brothers are all looking at me. (Hums Softly) "Sorry, I can't help you." Sitting down at the island beside Ethan. "I haven't been in his bedroom, nor have I personally asked him what his methods were." Pausing briefly as I think about it. "I mean if you really want to know, you could always ask Will, Yander or Host."

Ethan, Tyler, Jack and Felix- Giving our brother a rather horrified look. "NO!"

Mark- (Laughs) Speaking of the three Demons they walked in at the wrong time, giving us mirrored confused looks.

Host- Tilting my head to the side to show my curiosity. "Do we want to know?"

Mark- (Shakes Head and Smirks) "No, no you do not."

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