Plate 122

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My relationship with the Kim family is in sailing smoothly, only one thing we haven't done is to confess to them that we are already dating each other. We always go on road trips and vacations ever since Yongsun and I got together. We went to a country where there is island hopping available and we enjoyed the whole day. Yonghee and Ravi also enjoyed my company, we often go out even without Yongsun with us since she's busy in school work on some weekends that I get to visit. The three of us sometimes make fun of Yongsun and although I get to treat her as a friend outside, it was a whole different world when the doors are closed. When we go on vacations we tend to book only one room usually a family size, the set would always be Yonghee with Ravi, Mr. and Mrs. Kim and Me and Yongsun, sometimes we can't stop ourselves from cuddling even though we are in the same room as the family especially when we are already asleep.

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