Plate 51

755 23 1

That night we hang out and we talked a lot about ourselves, we spent the whole night together just knowing each other. I really like Solar, she can be a very good friend to keep. I think I'm starting to have a crush on her as the night progressed, she's very talkative and we jump from topic to topic til we have to separate because its already midnight.

S: its getting late Byul
B: I know I'm not sleepy yet, I'm enjoying our talk
S: You know, we dont have to sleep, its not like we are bunch of teenagers you know
B: Are you sure?
S: Yeah we can go to my room and lets continue there
B: Okay! Lets go!

Her hotel building is far from mine so I keep her company, when we arrived we sat down in her bed and talked more till 3 am

B: I'm sleepy now Solar, we have to wake up at 6 to prepare for the convention
S: Sleep here, we can share the bed
B: Okay good night Solar
S: Good night Byul

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