Plate 106

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Weekend with Yongsun is always enjoyable, we always walk going to places and experience a lot of commute in one weekend than I spend in an entire year when I'm in Daegu. We also eat a lot! I mean a lot! Its like we are doing a food critique job in restaurants. I always laugh at Yongsun's antics, she always says some unrelatable things that made as crack up and laugh in the middle of the road. My feeling for her is so light, there's nothing that drag me when I'm with her. We are always carefree, we do what we want and we go from there. I want her to be with me all the time so I asked her
"Yong, do you want to go to Daegu? like stay there?" she looked at me thinking
"Hmmm. Ok. We just have to wait for the school vacation if thats ok with you?" I smiled and look at her tenderly
"Its more than enough".

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