My Name

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So I'm mentioning this now, this is a really great comic please go support the artist of the comic! Also, I know the comic shows the story of Geno turning to Error, but Imma going to not have that lol

"I can't, Reaper, and you know it. I am moving in with Fresh, end of discussion."

"Geno wait!" He was too late, Geno had taken his things and went to move in with his brother, Fresh, for the time being. Reaper managed to catch the other glance at him one last time before disappearing into the car. Reaper sunk and sat on the top step of the front porch. "He-...."


"If yOu reaLly haD a ProblEm witH Me lIvinG hEre, wHy'd yOu InvIte Me?" Berry grumbled.

"It's Not My faUlt yoUr brOthEr aNd I dOn't geT aloNg. He shoUldn'T hAve beEn heRe!" Error growled.

"MaybE iT is, maYbE it'S yoU wHo shOulDn't be hEre," Berry left without another word, following Carrot to his place.

"ThAt soN oF A bItcH!" Error growled before tearing through the cupboards. "Where the hell did Berry hide the whiskey!?"

After hours of searching, Error finally found the secret stash. He then brought out a shot glass. He filled the shot, "One for the memory." He filled a second. "Two for the pain." He filled one more. "Fuck it." The skeleton chugged down the bottle.

A Week Later

"Instead of sulking about your love life, why not get out? What happened to the Reaper I knew? The one that went to the bar every night he didn't have work." Reaper listened to his friend, Classic, on the phone.

"It's not that easy..." Reaper looked at the cloth in his hand. "If it was, then I didn't have a good relationship-"

"Dude, your relationship consisted on you two fighting 24/7!" Classic then became distracted. "What? Oh yeah... hey Reap, Imma have to call you back. Outer reminded me that we have work to attend to."

"Classi-" The phone call ended. Reaper sighed and flopped backwards on the couch. Classic was right, he did need to get out of the house for a bit, and shower... Has it really only been a week since the break up?

Reaper decided to get up, get a shower and put on clean clothes, including a hoodie that pretty much looked like his favourite hoodie, but was white instead of black. He took in a breath before going outside and taking a jog.

It was quite peaceful. The birds were singing, flowers were blooming, and the sky was a bright blue. Either way, the jog felt good on Reaper's bones.

He heard shouting and stopped immediately. Then back tracked and followed the shouts to an ally. He could only see so much, but there was a human and two skeletons. One was tied up in blue strings by the other who seemed to be quite, shall I say, drunk.

Reaper thought fast, he needed to save the one skeleton, but that would require him to use magic that is banned by the common folk. Fuck it... He rushed in and summoned his scythe, cutting the strings above the trapped skeleton. He rushed back over to the human and left himself stand off to the other.

"PatHetIc, NeedInG a friend tO heLp You," the other taunted. He was in the shadows, so Reaper couldn't see him properly, but the glow of the other's drunk flush was just enough to see his main structure.

"Cut the crap, you know the rules."

He started to laugh and then attacked Reaper with his magic, forming blasters behind him. Reaper dodged the blasts, and he had to cut through the strings. He ended up accidentally hitting the skeleton in one of his attacks. The other stumbled back into the light. He stood there in shock. To Reaper, the skeleton looked like Geno. In truth, it was Geno's brother, Error.

"G-gen-" Reaper reached out to the skeleton, but Error teleported away before much could have been done. He kneeled on the ground, his eye lights were no where to be seen as tears pricked his eye sockets.

"Thank you so much!" The human called out to Reaper as she took the skeleton that she was with out of the alley. Reaper didn't pay any mind. He just stayed in the alleyway.


"Stars Error, why the hell do you have to do this to yourself? I thought you were over it!" Geno scolded his brother. Error rolled his eyes and then hissed as Geno treated his wound.

"You're lucky to have teleported here, brah. Could'a ended up in a worse place."

"ShuT thE fUnk Up frEsh."

"Stop squirming!" Geno growled.

"FunK!" Error groaned as Geno tightened the bandage around his ribcage.

"Maybe it will teach you not to get drunk and start fights!" He smacked the outside of his brother's skull. Error glared at the older as he rubbed his skull. Geno then sighed, "stay here tonight, I'll take you back home in the morning."

"... thanks..." Error finally stated.

"No probs, broski," Fresh smiled as he leaned back in his chair.





"Enough, both of you." Geno rubbed the bridge of his nose. "Why not you two just go to bed and deal with it in the morning?"

"Yes Geno..." both said before getting themselves settled to sleep.

A bit of a short/patchy chapter. Buts it's an idea!

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