A New Me

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This chapter has been inspired by the video above!

"Oh Dream~ It has been so long." Nightmare chuckled, a tendril snug under his brother's chin.

"Can we cut him yet," Killer smirked.

"No, we let this be a sign to everyone in the Multiverse that hope is deadlier than they thought." Nightmare whipped around and went to his throne, stopping on the steps, leaving Dream on the ground.

Long, long time ago
I had my own little show
I was a beautiful, lovable angel

Nightmare smiled back to his brother, then frowned.

But he took the spotlight, shining so bright,
And left me to fade away,
But honey now the turn is mine~

Nightmare started to walk down the steps once more.

Devil made from heaven,
Sent from up above.
Looks like Henry's got a little date,
Let's have some fun.

He wrapped one of his tenticles around Dream.

We've got lots to do little errand boy,
Come to me at cloud nine!
To be the perfect angel,
Some sin must be done.

He took Dream through the hallways, out of the throne room towards a cell.

Told me what to do and what to say.
I couldn't escape.
got to choose the ending of my fate,
You put me astray!

He then threw Dream into the cell, before walking away.

But not anymore,
I'm in control!
I have the stage, you can't turn the page!
Now all eyes on me!

All eyes on me!

Ba-da bap bap,
bap bap ba doo ba duh.

Killer and Dust added in. Nightmare grinned as he walked down the hallways.

So many experiments, so many mistakes.
But I'll go all the way, till I'm in perfect shape!

Horror grinned, "First the worst."

"Maybe third's the charm!" Cross added.

So close, oh I cannot wait!
The demon won't taint me now 'cus, you're the sacrifice he'll slay.

Nightmare teleported into his study as he looked around at all of his planning and work.

Said I wasn't good enough to stay, you put me away!
Took away my future and my fame,
But now it will change!

He walked around, studying every piece.

Focus on me!
I'll be all that they see!
I'll make them sway, no, can't run away!
Now all eyes on me!

Nightmare tossed everything off his desk, but picked up a picture of his brother.

Don't know what it's like to drown away, in a puddle of shame.
Yes you,
made me INSANE!

A loud crash was heard as he threw the picture, the glass cover shattering.

But not anymore!
I'm in control! (I am in control!)
I have the stage, you can't turn the page!
Now do as you're told.

Nightmare went out and took his crew into DreamTale to start his revenge.

-Encore, hit the beat boys-

Focus on me!
I'll be all that they see!
I'll make them sway, no, can't run away!
Now all eyes on me!

Now all eyes on,

Nightmare grinned as he stood in a blood bath. The screaming around him is all he wanted, and now no one will stop his reign.


"Who knew that ruling the multiverse would be so much fun," Dust chuckled.

"But there isn't much challenge anymore," Killer sighed.

"Don't forget we aren't done yet..." Nightmare growled. "We might have my brother here, but we still have plenty of problems. Ink and Blueberry are still against us."

"They could be planning against us... And then making a resistance," Horror growled.

"Nightmare!" Cross rushed into the Castle. "You have a visitor."

"Show him in."

"WelL, Well, wEll, somEoNe iS fiNallY clImbInG thE rAnKs."

"Error..." Nightmare growled. "Everyone, leave. I will handle him myself."

Dust grumbled as he left, and was hit by Killer for something he said. Cross shoed out Horror and left the two in the throne room.

"CuT mE sOme SlaCk, TenTicLe PorN, we'Ve bEeN frIenDs fOr YeaRs anD yEt yOu neVer tOld me thAt yOu wEre pLaNninG on thRowIng oFf the God dAmN bAleNce!"

"You don't understand, and I never expected you to. Besides that, you are the one who told me to never trust anyone."

"You haVe tAkeN thIs oNe toO faR NighTmaRe... RetuRn DreAm anD nO one WilL be huRt."

Nightmare quickly pinned Error to the ground. "Or what? Are you and your puppets going to cuddle me to death? I think not."

"We hAd A dEaL... I hElp yOu aNd yOu heLp kEep The bAlenCe." Error was thrown into one of the pillars in the room.

"Don't waste my time Destructor. I could easily replace you with a more promising version of you. Now, get out of my sight before I let Horror turn you into dinner."

Error growled, "I aM not oNe of YouR pAwnS NiGhtmAre. You Are mAkiNg a Big mIstAke." He opened a portal to the Anti-Void and hopped through.

"It's not me making the mistake... Horror, Dust, Cross, Killer, we are going out!"

"Hell yeah!" Dust shouted as he ran into the room.

"Another AU under our rule," Killer chuckled.

"Let's finish this quickly..."

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