✰You meet again ✰

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Once again, this was asked by Aiko-chan4859 :3 enjoy!

Zen 🎤
After getting coffee about a week ago, you both ran into each other at a club, that included Karaoke, drinking (you're both over 21) and a lot of dancing. You were with you girlfriends and living your best life, laughing and having a couple drinks. You look around the club and noticed zen, talking to some guys from the theater, and a red head (seven uwu) that was dancing. Zen spotted you and walked over, he teased you and offered to buy you a drink. You both sat at the bar and got wasted. You then asked him if he wanted to dance, and you both got up on the dance floor and started getting really close.

Yoosung 🎮
You and yoosung started playing LOLOL a lot more often, since you exchanged usernames at the gaming club. You went to an anime and gaming convention about 1 month later, but didn't bother telling yoosung. You knew he was going, and so you wanted to surprise him. When you arrived you saw him wearing a cosplay of his avatar from LOLOL and you tapped him on the shoulder and said "surprise." He was surprised to see you, and so you both spent the day together, got lunch and he introduced you to a couple of his friends.

Seven 💻 (this is my favorite)
You both met on a discord server, and seven hacked into your information , so he knew what you looked like and where you lived. Shockingly, you both lived in Seoul, and one time he went out to grab breakfast for him, vanderwood and Saeran, which is very unlikely. He walked into a bagel shop and saw you working the register, he wanted to walk up and say "hey it's me" but he then remembered that you don't know what he looks like. He placed his order and before he left, he handed you a note that said. 707 defender of justice here, nice to see you cutie <33

Jumin 🐱
(So in the previous chapter, jumins part was not posting. But I said that you both met at a business meeting and talked about cat projects).
You kept in contact with jumin, and planned on starting a cat project together. Jumin explained the cat project he was thinking about working on to jaehee. Turns out you're very good friends with her (this has nothing to do with jaehees scenario below) and she invited you out to dinner with her, you sat down and you both caught up on life. In the corner of your eye, you spotted jumin and he approached you and jaehee. You were wearing a revealing dress, and he was blown away with how you looked. Jumin didn't want to interrupt your dinner, so he resorted to small talk. Also he never knew you were such good friends with his assistant.

Jaehee ☕️ (I also love this one)
You guys met again at a pride parade! Jaehee was there with a couple of her friends that were supportive, and you went with your brother, that had just came out. You both walked around and had little stickers on your face representing different flags. You and your brother grabbed lunch and you saw jaehee, hanging with some of her friends. You told your brother you'd be back in a minute, and walked up to jaehee and said hi. She smiled and hugged you, you both had been texting quite often, but not 24/7. Overtime you both grew close with each other, Your brother walked over and sat down, introducing himself. Jaehee blushed and felt butterflies in her stomach when she was around, she wanted to ask you to stay but she was too embarrassed too. You eventually got up with your brother, and told her you'd text her later.

Up next: You both realize you have feelings for each other

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