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Original film directed by:
Stephen J. Anderson

Based on the book "A Day With Wilbur Robinson" by:
William Joyce

This story is not affiliated with the Walt Disney company. Select characters do not belong to me. This is all fan works for the (2007) film: Meet The Robinsons. All rights reserved to the Walt Disney company.

Jenninja presents...

Jenninja presents

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Year 2007...

The flying vehicle safely landed on the rooftop of the old orphanage. The hatch opened, and two young boys climbed out, whilst carrying a box with a contraption inside.

The pointy haired kid looked at the blond kid in confusion. "I don't get it," he said, "why did you just let her go?" referring to the woman they traveled back in time to go see just minutes ago. That woman being the mother his blond friend longed for, desperately trying to seek her out. It's what he always wanted, right?

Maybe he- his father from the past, could've been happier. Even if it meant his only son would cease to exist in this world...

His young father smiled at him, "Because..." he replied, "...I already have a family."

The pointy haired one felt his jaw drop. Those words made his heart leap... Was it really okay? Letting go of the very thing his father strived to find all this time? Afterall, that's all he'd ever talk about since arriving in the future. For a while, it caused Wilbur to question everything. Was this future enough? Was this family enough? Was he enough?

Before he had a moment more to process, he was surprised by a sudden hug from his small father. It was almost strange, as he was so used to a bigger embrace. The father he knew in his own timeline was much taller, but in this timeline, he felt so puny. However, even with a height difference, they still shared one familiar trait... the same warmth.

Without any given thoughts, he fully returned the hug to his old- er, young man. A tender smile grew upon his face, as this moment meant everything to him.

"I never thought my dad... would be my best friend," the boy murmured.

He almost didn't want to let go, but he knew staying longer would only increase the risk of his dad missing the science fair. Even though they had a time machine and it could be easily resolved, he knew it wasn't right to stall for much longer. It was time for the two of them to part ways...

"Now, now, don't make me bail you out again." he said, breaking out of the hug and handing his young father the blueprints he taped back together.

"I won't." his father assured, taking the old blueprints back from his son.

"Remember, I have a time machine... If you mess up again, I'll just keep coming back till you get it right!" he said half jokingly, hopping into the driver's side of the shiny red time machine. "You got that motto?" he asked, tapping his forehead.

"I got it." his young dad reassured.

"Don't forget it." he insisted.

"I don't think that's possible." his dad replied.

"...You better get going." he said, starting up the engines.

"See you later, Wilbur." his dad said lastly, walking to the exit while carrying his memory scanner away with him.

Meet the Robinsons: Time Will TellWhere stories live. Discover now