"Wow, it's been a while," Jimin reflected, the tone of his voice light with awe.
Three months, but who was counting, Yoongi thought to himself.
"I guess so," he said at last, his grip still tight on the stranger's wrist. It felt like a lifeline right now: if he dropped it, he may very well fall apart.
Jimin's eyes flitted all over his face, searching for what Yoongi wasn't sure. "You look well. How's everything been?"
Dark, lonely, isolating.
"I've been good, Jimin," Yoongi answered instead, hoping his voice sounded even and calm. "It was nice seeing you. But I was just heading out."
A few awkward moments passed as the two boys stared at each other. Yoongi didn't know why he wasn't leaving. He found himself an out, so shouldn't he be running for the hills right now?
Jimin's gaze turned upward at the guy standing right behind Yoongi, realization hitting him. "Oh. Right. You two were leaving."
"Right," Yoongi breathed, his voice barely above a whisper. More than anything, he wanted to pull Jimin into his arms and beg for the boy to take him back. More than anything, he wanted to run away so he wouldn't embarrass himself more than he already had.
"I'm Jimin," his ex said to the boy behind him. "I'm sure you've heard all about me."
Jimin reached out his hand to the stranger, letting it hang idly in the air. Yoongi waited for his cover to be blown and for the embarrassment to consume him completely. He never should have let Hoseok talk him into coming to this stupid party.
"I'm Jungkook, and sorry, no. Your name never came up."
The stranger - Jungkook - reached around Yoongi to shake Jimin's hand. When their brief greeting ended, Jungkook rested his hand confidently on Yoongi's hip.
The gesture was not missed by Jimin. "How long have you guys been together?"
Yoongi knew he was expected to talk, but no words came to mind. No matter how much he wished to appear unaffected, he was very much affected. Jimin crushed his heart and spirit during their breakup. Yoongi still didn't know how to tape the broken pieces of himself back together.
"For a while now," Jungkook answered for him, flattening his hand to cover more of Yoongi's hip. "How long has it been, baby?"
It took a moment for Yoongi to realize Jungkook was talking to him.
But Jimin sure realized it, his eyes widening slightly. "He calls you baby? That's . . . cute."
Yoongi was always the one to dole out pet names, but never was a fan of being called one himself. Jimin tried to call him all sorts of things - sweetheart, boo, love - but Yoongi thought it all sounded too cheesy.
"Yeah," he said lamely, body going rigid as Jungkook pressed himself up against Yoongi's back. The boy's other hand came to rest possessively over his abdomen.
Jimin gave him a small smile. "Well, you look happy, Yoongi."
Yoongi resisted the urge to scoff. In no world did he look happy right now.
Someone called Jimin's name, a tall, broad shouldered man who looked just like a movie star. Yoongi's heart instantly clenched in jealousy as he studied the new guy. A confident air surrounded him like an aura, his features painted in a quiet confidence.
"This is Jin," Jimin explained as the aforementioned boy joined the group.
Yoongi heard Jin's name mentioned several times over the course of Jimin and his relationship. To Jimin, Jin was one of the kindest, most caring, and funniest people the younger had ever met. The way Jimin talked about Jin wasn't outright suspicious, but Yoongi always did wonder if his then-boyfriend was harboring a crush.

The Hoax
FanfictionA YOONKOOK SHORT STORY! Recently dumped, heartbroken, and unwilling to move on, Yoongi spends his days wallowing in self-pity. He's trying to tell himself he doesn't need anyone or anything, but he knows better. He's a hot mess. He somehow finds him...