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"Where are you taking me? Should I be nervous?" Jungkook buzzed in Yoongi's ear, letting himself be pulled forward by the elder.

"You need to learn the meaning of the word patience," Yoongi griped, tugging the boy along.

The younger rolled his eyes. "I already know the meaning of all important words. Don't think I need patience in my vocabulary."

Instead of answering him, Yoongi kept quiet. He was really excited for this and Jungkook had no idea what awaited them.

A date.

And a real one at that. Not a fake date as pretend boyfriends in order to make people jealous. This was going to be an official date, complete with romance and ambience alike.

At least Yoongi hoped.

Three days ago, Jungkook revealed he had never been properly taken out on a date. Sure he'd been on plenty of them, but no one had planned something special just for him. The younger tried to justify that fact, saying he liked to be in charge and took pride in coming up with the ideas.

But Yoongi knew Jungkook. The boy wanted to be treated and thought of as someone worth surprising.

So the elder took it upon himself to plan a special evening for Jungkook. He spent a couple days researching the perfect outing, looking into activities he himself had never tried. The end goal would be to leave the younger feeling valued.

Yoongi wanted to show Jungkook how important he had become to him.

They arrived in front of a pretty unspectacular building, with no signs or clues as to what the venue was. Yoongi held the door open for Jungkook, directing him towards an elevator. They rode up to the fifth floor in silence; curiosity was plaguing the younger's mind while the elder was praying everything would go right.

The doors opened to reveal semi-loud and peppy music, a small bar, and tables filled with canvases.

"What is this place?" The younger questioned as he looked around, eyes instantly finding paints and smocks at the side of the room.

"It's a paint and sip. An instructor is going to walk us through how to paint that -," Yoongi pointed to a canvas illustrating a mountain scene, "- all while we pretend we're fancy and drink wine. I thought you may like this since you were an art major and work at the gallery."

Jungkook's eyes met the elder's, wide with awe and shock.

"I'd like to think of this as our first official date," Yoongi rushed to add, clasping his hands behind his back.

He didn't have to wait long for a reaction as the younger pulled him into a hug. "You put all of this together for me?"

Yoongi tentatively wrapped his arms around Jungkook, not wanting to hold back but not quite trusting himself to not melt in the boy's arms. "Well, I didn't exactly recruit a team to teach the lesson and staff the bar -"

"You know what I mean," Jungkook chuckled into his hair. "You planned this out for me. I . . . I've never had someone do that for me before."

They walked to check in, grabbing some wine and settling down at a high top set for two. Smocks were tossed their way, which were quickly put on to protect their clothing. Yoongi snuck a few glances at Jungkook, thinking he looked quite at home with his sleeves rolled up and the paint-covered smock over his frame.

"What?" The boy asked him when he caught Yoongi's gaze.

Yoongi smiled softly in admiration. "You look like an artist."

The class started then, with an instructor hopping up on stage and prepping the class. Paints and brushes were handed out and they were guided on exactly how to handle the materials.

Jungkook was a natural at all of this, easily following along with each step and adding his own artistic touches. Yoongi wasn't too terrible, but he didn't think his canvas would be hung in a gallery anytime soon. The two boys laughed and joked throughout the class, comparing their paintings and savoring a couple glasses of wine.

By the end of the two hour event, they each had paint smeared over their arms and fully completed canvases. Jungkook's was leagues better, but the younger assured Yoongi that his painting could proudly be hung up on the refrigerator.

Yoongi flung paint at Jungkook's face for that comment.

With their canvases in tow, they went out to dinner, to which the elder treated Jungkook once more. It was reminiscent of their first time eating together, but a lot more comfortable and easygoing. The night made Yoongi feel like he was in a real relationship with Jungkook and it exposed him to never before experienced feelings.

He felt safe.

He felt excited for the future.

He felt happy.

They enjoyed the cool night air after dinner, Jungkook tucking their dried canvases under one arm and holding Yoongi's hand with the other. Lighthearted chatter filled the space between them as they recalled the funnier moments of their evening. Coming up on a bench, Jungkook pulled them to sit down and look out at the main street.

The younger pulled Yoongi close to his side, hooking his arm around the elder's shoulder. "That was the most thoughtful thing anyone has ever done for me. I can't thank you enough."

Yoongi rested his head on the boy's shoulder, directing his eyes to the night sky. "Yeah, well, you're worth it."

"I don't want to be an ass and assume things," Jungkook murmured, "but I think you really like me. You like like me."

"What are we, twelve?"

Jungkook just pulled Yoongi tighter to him. "I think you want to date me. And be my boyfriend. And hold my hand. And be my baby. And let me f-"

The elder clamped his hand over the boy's mouth. "How do you manage to get more annoying every single day?"

"You love it, don't lie to yourself."

And he really did love it.

Yoongi didn't want to say anything yet to Jungkook, but he'd been thinking of Jimin less and less each day. The secret place in his heart was dedicated to this annoying, cocky, arrogant, and adorable boy next to him.

Nothing ever made so much sense to him.

But he respected Jungkook too much to be selfish and rush into something. He wanted to be all in and truly mean it when he said he was over his ex. Time would help with that, and soon down the road, Yoongi would tell Jungkook exactly how he felt.

"Hey, Yoongi?" Jungkook asked, drawing the elder's attention away from his thoughts.

Yoongi turned so they were looking at each other.

Jungkook smiled softly at him. "Don't call me a hypocrite, okay?"

Before he could ask the younger to elaborate, Jungkook had leaned forward and kissed Yoongi on the lips. The elder instantly reciprocated, moving his mouth in harmony against Jungkook's. The kiss didn't last nearly as long as Yoongi would have liked, but it was enough to make his heart swell and a blush to tint his cheeks.

The younger pulled away, shyness making him bite his lip. "Thank you for the date, baby. It's a night I won't forget anytime soon."

Yoongi pressed his head against Jungkook's chest, taking a quiet comfort in the beating of his heart.

"I won't forget it, either."

▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎


Aw, so sweet 💕

So as I mentioned, this is a short story. There will be around 20 chapters before we wrap this up. Which means we still have a little ways to go. Hehe.

Love you all!

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