Chapter 4

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I went to sleep that night feeling really happy and proud of myself, Allmight told me himself I got into the hero course!
I rethink of what happened during the entrance exam, saving that girl and Midoriya, Midoriya taking out that huge robot. I frowned, I was gonna have to ask him if he knew why his arm and legs broke. I was mostly excited, but also kinda nervous about attending such a prestigious school. I promised myself to work as hard as I could, I would become the best hero I could be!

My alarm woke me up at 6:30 am. I groaned and slapped it off. I remembered I was staring at UA today, and my spirits lifted instantly, I shot out of bed and put on the UA uniform, adjusted my tie, and raced downstairs.

"Good morning my little hero!" My mom smiled proudly.

"Morning!" I chirped, grabbing a plate of pancakes from her, I sat down and started to eat.

"Are you all set for school?" Dad asked me.

I nodded, "I think so but I'm pretty nervous."

Dad smiled at me, "Your going to do just great honey! I know it!"

I beamed at him, then skulling a glass of juice, I ran upstairs to brush my teeth. After doing so I sprinted back downstairs grabbed my bag and bolted out the door, calling goodbye as I went.

I got to the huge school and waited outside for Midoriya, looking around so no one would bump into me again.

"Y/n!" I heard someone yell. I turned expecting to see Midoriya, but it wasn't. It was Bakugo.

"Bakugo?" I asked him.

"So that green haired idiot told you my name huh?" He said.

I glared at him, "He's not an idiot, and I will punch you if you call him names again."

He grumbled, but didn't say anything else.

I heard someone calling my name again, this time I knew it was Midoriya.

I smiled at him, "Hey Izuku!"

Bakugo glared at him, "What are you doing here deku?"

I turned and slapped the angry Pomeranian upside his head,

"I told you if you call him names I will hit you!

He looked at me, rubbing the back of his head, "I didn't think you would actually do it!"

"Why not?" I growled.

He muttered something. "What was that?" I asked him.

"Cause your a girl...." he said quietly.

I felt rage bubbling up inside me, I punched him in the gut and grabbed Midoriya's arm, walking towards the school.
I looked over my shoulder at the blonde boy and called,

"Just cause I'm a girl, doesn't mean I can't beat your ass!"

He glared at me, still holding his stomach. I felt a little guilty, but shrugged it off. He deserved it.
Midoriya was looking at me with wide eyes,

I glanced at him, "What?"

"Why'd you hit and punch him?" He queried.

I looked at him, "I told him that if he kept calling you names I would hit him, then he was being sexist so I punched him in the gut, good enough explaination?"

He nodded and continued to walk next to me into the school.

We reached our class room and open the gigantic door. The chattering in the classroom stopped as heads turned our way. It was really creepy! A boy with blue hair walked over to us, I recognised him from the meeting in the auditorium.

Shota Aizawa x Reader x Hizashi YamadaWhere stories live. Discover now