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it was a Saturday morning and i woke up earlier than Grayson who is in fact my boyfriend because i was going to prank him. 

i went to Ethan's room to wake him up because i want him to be in on the prank i'm about to pull...

me: *whispers* ethan.. ettthhaannn... wake up... 

Ethan: y/n?? what are you doing and what time is it?!?

me: i'm going to prank Grayson, but i want you in on it so it doesn't seem like i'm being a dick

you say laughing. he nods his head and agrees to help you, so you went and got the camera... 

me: hey whats up guys, i'm back for yet another video. i have here a very good and sleepy friend

Ethannn! *you said whisper yelling*

e: hey guys whats up

me: so today i'm going to be pranking gray and Ethan is going to be in on it so i don't seem mean, so basically i'm going to get annoyed at everything Grayson does *you say giggling* 

e: oh that's gonna be a good one 

me: ya but i wanted to tell you so you can help me set cameras up and so that it doesn't look to bad ya know, because i'm literally going to get annoyed at everything even if he is doing something cute... ughg i'm just thinking and this... this prank is going to be so good!

e: okay lets set up go pros and stuff before gray gets up

me: okay

me and Ethan spent an hour putting cameras around the house, we were all set and ready to start so i went and layed back down next Grayson

*20 minutes later*

i had fell back to sleep and was woken up by gray kissing all over my face and this is where the first part of the prank took place 

me: gray get off of me *you said pushing him off*

gray looked so confused but brushed it off and went into your shared bathroom 

you looked to the camera and made a pout face because you love grays kisses 

you got up and went into the bathroom and started your morning routine 

you were brushing your teeth and Grayson came up behind you and hugged you he snugged his head into your neck which you love and he knows that but today you had to push him off

me: gray get off me lord have mercy *you said with an attitude* 

G: o-OK sorry

and with that he walked out the bathroom and out your shared bedroom 

you looked into the camera and said 

me: i feel so bad already 

you walked into the kitchen and saw Ethan and you walked up to him and hugged him and said good morning like you usually would 

Grayson looked at you weirdly because you wouldn't hug him like you usually do every morning 

you started making yourself breakfast while you listened to the music that played out the big speaker. one song was over and gray said he had a song that he wanted to play but you didn't respond so he took that as a"i don't care" type of thing ya know...?

the song Life Of The Party- by Shawn Mendes 

started to play and gray came up behind you and hugged you while swaying back and forth because this is the song you guys listened to when Grayson asked you to be his...

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