𝐓𝐄𝐍. eye for an eye

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     TEN ——   eye for an eye

 ⊹  ☽              ⌈ 𝙶𝙾𝙳𝙳𝙴𝚂𝚂 𝙾𝙵 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙷𝚄𝙽𝚃 ⌋             TEN   ——   eye for an eye

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˚ .・*。༄ "WHERE'S MY MOM?" A dirty blonde boy, Dax, approached the camera slowly, the sight of a man in full guard uniform on screen instead of his mom lifting a red flag. After all, spend your whole life in prison and the sight of a guard makes your hair rise off your arm a bit.

"You can see her after you and I have a little talk. Are you alone?" The Lieutenant spoke. Anyone who's someone could tell you just by the harsh tone of his voice, that the man meant business. And Shumway wanted exactly that.

Dax glanced side to side before nodding. "Yeah, why?"

Shumway tilted his head ever so slighty, "If I remember right, you beat a man to death."

"He stole from me."

Shumway smiled slyly before lifting a hand, "Relax. I have a problem, and I think you can help me fix it. And in return, I can guarantee your mom a spot on the first dropship and for you a choice assignment when I get to the ground."

The boy furrowed his brows. "What do you want me to do?"

"Tell me something first. Noah Santiago, what's her status?"

Dax wasn't totally sure why he was speaking to him like he was a soldier, all proper and such. But, he went along with it just to hear word from his mom. "Um... she's cool. Wicked scary too. Her and that Blake guy are buddy buddy, they kinda run the place with Griffin. But honestly? Word down here is she's sleepin' with him to keep protection."

   "Then I only need one thing from you." He clenched his jaw, the ungodly mention of a distraction to his savior Solo was not what he was going to let his legacy end with. His hard work and dedication to perfection that little slut all one big waste. "Kill Bellamy Blake."

   Clarke makes her way into the drop ship, Octavia moving past her and Bellamy's face cooling down from what was most likely a heated argument. The siblings always seemed to be arguing about something. "Hey, wait." She calls for his attention before he goes off to yell at someone.

   And as expected, he's already moving past her, trying to exit the dropship. "The answer is still no. I'm not talking to Jaha." He reads her hopeful mind. He's got several bigger things to worry about around here. Irrelevant things like begging for forgiveness, wasn't one of them.

   Shaking the thought from her head, Clarke regains his attention. "Relax, that's not why I'm here."

   And successfully, she does, his feet coming to a stop, turning for face her. "What, then?"

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