Chapter 10

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The Chunnin exams.

It's finally here.

Sakura made sure to double check her things before heading out, packing tools for possible situations. She grabbed her katana and placed it horizontally on the back of her waist. She left the compound with no words exchanged, she knew what they would have said. Returning without the title of a Chunnin is not an option.

When she reached the academy, Neji was the first to see her.

"How are you feeling today, Haruno-san?" He politely asked.

Back to formalities, there were too many people around. Ninjas from all around the world were present.

"I'm fine, thank you Hyuga-san." She answered and faced her other teammate. "Good morning to you, Uchiha-san."

"G'morning." He simply replied.

They headed to the door and Neji opened the door, gesturing for his teammates to enter before him.

"Ladies first." He said.

Sakura walked into the building with the guys following closely behind.

They stopped at the second floor to find two disguised Chunnins causing some trouble. Sakura released the genjutsu without a word, she didn't want to waste any time. They moved on to the third floor, leaving the other contestants to gaze at them in amazement.

"The 'Trio Prodigy'.." Some whispered.

"What a show off." Some voices snorted.

As soon as the team reached the door to a classroom, they met Kakashi in front of it.

"It's good to see three of you in action again. Good luck!" He smiled behind his mask. The three nodded and entered the room in optimism.

"Sasuke-kun~~!" Ino squealed and jumped on him.

"Sakura-chan!!!" Naruto and Lee called out.

Before they could come near the pinkette, Neji protectively raise a hand to stop them from coming closer. Sasuke would have done the same, but he's defenceless as well. The two knuckleheads pouted at his action.

"Please, respect Haruno-san. Don't cause her trouble in a public place like this." He sternly said. Sakura gave him a smile, she was grateful for his help. On the other hand, she felt bad for Naruto and Lee. But it wasn't an issue to worry about. She giggled in her mind as she watched the both of them have a glaring contest with her teammate.

"Enough! Behave yourself!" TenTen huffed in annoyance as she knocked both of their heads. It was good to have a tough girl like her in their team. She could put them in their place.

"Alright!" A voice boomed from the front of the classroom. "Get to your seats and the test shall begin! I'm you're proctor for the first test and I.. am your worst nightmare." He smirked.

After each of them got their seats, they start with a theory test. He gave a simple briefing about the rules, but it seemed sketchy.

The pinkette read the questions carefully, but stopped at the bottom page. It was written:

The 10th question will be revealed 15 minutes before the first test ends.

She was fairly surprised, the questions they were given aren't in the level of a Genin. Very much everyone besides the outstandingly smart Genins would fail without a doubt. She began to suspect the true objective of the first test.

It was to cheat without getting caught.

But this wasn't something she would worry about, she can answer these questions just fine. She believed her teammates could as well, and Shikamaru. Could they?

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