Chapter 21

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Finally, the day of the final phase has arrived. A lot of people gathered in the stadium to watch the Chunnin exam, including the Hokages and various dignitaries. The first match was between Team 8 and the trio prodigies. Team 8 includes: Hinata Hyuga, Kiba Inuzuka and Shino Aburame. The team's tiger-nins did not join the fight because they wanted to show their individual skills.

When the trio prodigies entered the arena, their auras were almost overwhelming. The stadium fell into silence as they stepped onto the center of the field. None of the prodigies were smiling, they kept their stoic expressions to establish their authority in the match.

"Start!" The proctor said as he backed away from the teams.

Kiba was never the strategic kind, so he charged the trio head first. He aimed for the pinkette, concluding that she would the weakest in terms of brute force. His body burned in chakra and he attempted to hit her with his elbow. She stopped it with her hand and flipped to stand behind him.

He growled in annoyance. Two smoke grenades were thrown to Sakura and her teammates would assist her, but they were occupied. The Hyuga twins were fighting each other with their gentle fists while Sasuke's flames pushed Shino's insects away. Kiba hopped into the smoke and speedily landed kicks and punches; however, each of them were perfectly blocked by the pinkette's taijutsu. Finally, he got pissed off because his plan to knock her out while she's blind did not work.

He fed a military rations pill to Akamaru and his fur turned red. The dog growled and became much more aggressive.

Akamaru hopped onto the Inuzuka's back and transformed into him. By then, the smoke has already cleared. Sakura continued to observe her opponent. She read and heard about the abilities of the Inzuka clan, but to what extent did Kiba achieve?

The two figures jumped on her, but she backed away and the land they landed on crushed beneath them. It caused a smoke of debris around Kiba and Akamaru.

The pills doubled their strength! She frowned.

"Fang over fang!" Two of them exited the debris as they rotated in incredibly high speed. They headed towards Sakura but they were stopped with Neji's gentle fists. The Haruno and the older Hyuga had exchanged places. Sakura countered Hinata's gentle fists by slapping away her wrist with equal speed. She pushed Hinata away by focusing her strength on her right fist and landed a punch on the lavender-eyes girl's chest. She was thrown a few feet away, along with the rest of Team 8.

"Sasuke! Neji!"

The boys answered to her call and held her hands. They combined their chakra to produce a new chakra nature.

"Dust Release: Detachment of the Primitive World Technique."

An almost transparent cube with a small sphere inside it appeared with their opponents trapped inside. They tried to escape it, but failed. Soon, the sphere exploded which made them fall unconscious. According to the scrolls, it is very possible to kill a person with that technique, but they had not mastered it to that level yet.

"Winner: Team Kakashi." Genma announced.

The trio prodigies left the arena after watching the medical team transport Team 8 away. The next team to fight was a team from the village hidden in the sand and Team 10.

Even with Shikamaru's strategy, they lost. The sand ninjas were simply too strong. All of them are combat types, especially Gaara. The red head was the strongest and he suffered from zero injuries. The Nara's strategy could only go so far as to injure Temari and Kankuro.

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