Chapter 34

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The trio rested in the hospital; while the boys shared a room, Sakura had a room all to herself. It took about a little more than a week for them to recover and replenish their strength to their full capacity. Thankfully, they did not suffer from major injuries. However, Sakura was unconscious for a couple of days due to the genjutsu's side effects. Nobody knew what it was and what she had seen, but it seemed to affect her to another level.

During her stay, her mother was the only person from the Haruno clan to visit her. While the reason why her father refused to visit her was unknown, the rest of the clan was far too afraid. They felt inferior to her and the facade she puts up made her unapproachable. Instead of a leader, the head of the Haruno clan had made Sakura seem like a God to her clan. She seems too superior to go near, a position even higher than her father.

When she woke up, her two teammates were at her side. Both of them were so relieved to see her awake and embraced her without much contemplation. While each of them had their share of serious conditions from previous missions, the rogue ninjas who attacked the pinkette seriously wanted to abuse her or kill her. The damage they had done to her was undisclosed.

Her bright emerald eyes were dull when she awoke from her slumber which arose worry within her team and the Hokage. Days after that, she could not get a wink of sleep with her dark circles as evidence. None of them could understand her condition.. Well, probably except one guy.


They were alone in her hospital room, late at night. The Uchiha had sneaked in during the dark, assuring his roommate had slept. It was their last night in the medical ward, but the pinkette was asked to stay for a little longer.

"Sakura?" He whispered as he entered her room with a creak of the door.

She was sitting on her bed while looking out the window when he came in. "Yeah?" She turned to him. "What do you need?"

The ravenette walked over to the bed and sat on the stool beside it. He started at her for awhile before casting his gaze downwards, as if ashamed of something.

"In that genjutsu.. What was it about?"


He continued, "It activates whenever you try to sleep, doesn't it?"

"How did you know?" She asked, making him lock eyes with her.

"That genjutsu...can only be used by a user of Sharingan. It's a secret technique that is passed on only in the main house." He explained. "It isn't something that is used to distract you, it's objective is to damage your subconscious mind."

Her emerald eyes widened just a little bit at the new discovery.

Sasuke added, "The scene you watched is your worst nightmare and it relives in your mind whenever you lose consciousness."

"Is way for me to release it? But how did they know about my fears?"

The Uchiha shook his head, "They don't. The technique digs the greatest fear from your mind and plays it in your head. If the caster's Sharingan is strong enough, he can see your weakness and use it against you."

He reached out his hands to grab both of hers and looked at her straight in the eye. His eyes were full of worry and determination. "While I'm not sure if he saw your fear, you must tell me what it is so I can release it for you. Only a Sharingan user can dispel it. If this goes on for any longer, you'll lose your sanity."

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