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I walked down the street to the neighbourhood coffee shop. Despite it being a sunny day, the air was cold. I crossed the street and walked up to the shop. Peering in slightly before I went in, I saw Jason wasn't there yet. I confidently stepped inside and began to admire the artwork.

Each painting was different, obviously, but one always popped out at me. A canvas, painted black, with a deep crimson heart in the middle. Across the canvas, bright blue, green, and yellow splatters brought the piece to life. I stood with my hands in my pockets, smiling and admiring the piece.

A few minutes later, I heard the bell at the door jingle. I whipped around, expecting to see Jason, but it wasn't. It was Hayden, the brown-haired kid who sits next to me in science class. "Hey, Faith!" He called, coming towards me. "Hey, Hayden!" I replied, attempting to mask my disappointed expression. "What's up?"
He grinned. "Nothing much. Just waiting for a friend."
"Cool, cool." I responded. "Who would that be?"
"Jason. You know, the guy you were talking to in science the other day?"
My eyes narrowed to slits. "Oh, I know alright." I spat through clenched teeth. "Say, Hayden, I thought you didn't like coffee?"
"Oh, I don't," he chipped, "but I promised Jason I'd meet him here.
"I think you should go home, Hayden." I snarled, stepping closer to him.
"Umm... I-I'm good, thanks. I'm not one to break promises." He smiled, worried.
I raised my fist. "Hayden. I know what this is," I leaned closer to him. "I know what you're doing here with Jason."
"G-getting coffee...?"
"NO!" I yelped. "It's more than that. I know you have something there." I pointed my finger at Hayden accusingly, glaring at him. "Well you know what?"
"Wh-what...?" He stammered.
"HE'S MINE! DON'T YOU EVEN THINK ABOUT GETTING IN BETWEEN US!" I yelled, kicking him in the stomach. He flew back, hitting the wall. Canvases were knocked loose, hitting the floor behind him.

I stood with my fists clenched in rage. My breath was ragged, my eyes slitted. "Hayden!" A voice called behind me, along with a jingle. I whipped around again, and saw Jason running in. I immediately dropped my angry stance and adapted a cheerful, sweet demeanor. "Oh my god! Are you alright?" Jason asked. I beamed, about to answer, when he ran right past me to Hayden.

Annoyed, I tugged on his hood. Jason spun around, to look at me. "He deserved it," I told him, "Hayden was trying to split us up, weren't you, Hayden?" Neither of them replied, so I grabbed Jason's shoulder and looked at him. "Nothing can break us apart, right?" I half inquired, half stated.

I laughed, thinking of how foolish Hayden was to try and step between us. Jason pushed me away. "You and I were never a couple! I don't know why you think we are!" I felt what was left of my heart shatter, but I wasn't going to let even that break us apart. Having backed Jason into a corner, I smiled again and told him, "You're mine, and no one can do anything about it!" I stepped closer, knowing I was far into Jason's personal space. "Not even me?" He asked, and I could hear the tone of fear in his voice. "Of course not!" I smiled at him and backed off enough to let him feel a bit comfortable again. "Come sit and have coffee with me!" I ordered happily.

I turned and ordered a peach tart to share, Jason hesitantly sitting down at a nearby table. I turned, and saw him looking at Hayden, standing up. "I said sit down!" I barked.

Jason turned, and looked straight in my eyes.
I was infuriated. Nobody said no to me, especially not Jason!
I grabbed Jason's hoodie and shoved him against a wall as hard as I could manage. It wasn't as powerful as I'd hoped, but it seemed to be doing the trick.
"You obey me." I whispered. It took enough strength to hoist the boy up, I didn't have enough left to use my 'scary voice.'

"THAT'S IT!" The employee yelled, yanking me back by my jacket hood. Jason collapsed to the ground, and I tried to grab him again, but the lady had already dragged me too far. I'll never forget the look in his eyes: Fear, longing, disappointed.

"I payed you! Give me my money back! YOU SAID YOU WOULDN'T THROW ME OUT FOR FIFTY BUCKS!" I was beyond caring who was watching, I yelled in my last defense. It wasn't enough, and I was dropped outside.

Tears stung my eyes. Has it really come to this? Is the only way to get what I want pure force? I wondered as I stood and brushed off my clothes.

As I ran down the street, wiping my eyes, one thought rang the loudest in my head.
What have I become?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2014 ⏰

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