Chapter 36

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"Are you ready?"

Theo stands in the doorway of my room, dressed nicely in a suit and tie. Very cheeky I will admit. My soft gold dress flows just below my hips, exposing way more leg than needed. But a little too much leg is never a bad thing. Especially because Theo always told me he loves my legs.

"You look gorgeous," he stammers.

Blushing, I look down at my golden heels. They give me so much height I'm always as tall as my date. Wait... this isn't even a date what am I saying.

"You're not so bad yourself," I admit, though my voice comes out soft, a little too timid for my liking.

"Don't be so kind," he jokes as I step out of my room. His arm is held out for me to grab. I take hold too eagerly. This all feels too normal, too comfortable. Almost like we never stopped loving each other... well almost as if he never stopped loving me.

Outside a limo awaits us. The inside is all decked out in lights. Champagne bottles sit on ice. He cracks the bottle open as soon as we pull out of the hotel driveway. The loud pop reverberates throughout the limo. He pours two glasses, holding both in one hand. I know I gave up drinking, but I'm not sure I can give make it through tonight without some alochol in my system. Is that bad?

"To us," he says, handing me a drink and raising his own.

A smile enlightens my features almost immediatly. "To us," I reply.

"So tell me," he begins, taking a sip out of his glass. "How are you?"

Weird. I was not expecting that. Nor did I know how to respond to this question.

"How am I? Well, I guess I'm okay."


"Everything is going great actually."


"I'm glad." He doesn't sound very glad. In fact I can already see how this night is going to pan out. Theo will ask meaningless questions to fill up the silence, I'll try to make myself sound as chipper as possible, though everything I say will be lies. But he won't notice. Like always he'll buy it. And even if he doesn't he'll act like he does because he won't want to admit that I'm upset. That I'm a mess without him.

"How about you?" I ask, masking the pain of enduring this conversation. Reaching up to my neck, I grab my locket. The smoothness of it calms my pounding heart and racing nerves.

"Lovely. Divergent was a big hit. I seem to be getting a lot of noteriaty from it."

"Oh I bet." I think I sound a little too hostile. But Divergent was the cause of our break up. So how could I not be? After I say this, he comes to that exact realization.

Silence. Dead. Awkward. Silence.

Soon the car has stopped moving and the driver is opening the door for us. We're at a restaurant. A really fancy one in fact. My parents took me here on my thirteenth birthday. Us and a few friends from my middle school. Of course I lost touch with all of them. By the time my parents died all I had left was Colin. He was the only one that wasn't freaked out by the site of me. He was the only one who knew what being a friend meant.

Almost robotic-like I follow Theo inside. We already have caught peoples attention. Girls all watch us, eagerly and enviably. They might recognize him, but they don't know who I am. To them I'm just another girl, probably a fan who got lucky and is going on a date with the one and only Theo James. If only they knew the whole story.

The hostess walks us to our seats without a word. Theo must have set up these reservations a while ago. We sit down and order food first, avoiding the conversation both of us are dreading. Finally once the waitress is gone we begin.

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