Chapter 38

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"And that my friends, concludes the filming of Insurgent!" Robert announces as the cameras flick off and the house lights go up.

A roar of laughter, shouts and hollers erupt immediately. A cork of a champagne bottle pops in the background. But I tune it out. I tune it all out. Theo and I are free for the time being. We're free to live out months without any feverish schedules or any places to be at all times of every day.

Theo is finally mine.

All mine.

His hands weave around my body as he greets me off set. "We did it!" He exclaims, his smile igniting.

"We really did," I laugh with such pure enthusiasm.

"It was a long and torturous rode but we got here Haley. We made this happen." He says his English accent trickling back in. It's not until now that I notice I have missed his accent. The way his rich voice bends as he says my name. This is the voice I had fallen in love with. This voice belonged to my Theo. My Theo when he isn't disguised behind a fictional persona that is Tobias.

"I'm assuming you're not talking about the movie anymore," I declare.

But it is true. If I could go back in time and experience my life when this all began, I'd realize how miserable I truly was. All along Theo had been the cause of my depression. Losing him impacted my life so incredulously. He made me whole, and when separated from him I could no longer function. Losing Theo took away my other half. The half that made me who I am.

"I love you Haley," he says, kissing me passionately.

"I TOLD YOU I WASNT LYING!" Ansel exclaims.

We've kept our love hidden just to piss him off. After coming to my room and discovering Theo and I had been in the middle of an intimate session a few weeks ago, he had tried to persuade everyone that what he saw had been true. Yet no one would give them the money he earned from the bet until it was officially proven. They needed a kiss to seal the deal. Unfortunately for Ansel, we couldn't offer such a thing. Not even his death threats could persuade us.


I giggle so girlishly I sound like a child. "I love you too Theo." I finally say.

I do. I really, truly do.

"Theo," I moan into the phone. "Please stop that. I'm fine."

He sighs on the other line as the cold November air whips around me. Sometimes in Chicago it snows as early as October. For the middle of November it isn't so odd but it is still a royal pain in the ass.

"Come back Haley. I don't like you being out in this weather. You're going to get sick."

"Theo have you ever seen me sick? I have the immune system of a horse," I kid as I continue to walk down the street. Light has escaped the sky, a dark blue color filling the oblivion. Little white specs fall, getting caught in my hair and eyelashes.

"Haley," Theo deadpans.

"Theo we can't leave without me seeing Colin."

"I don't see why not." Theo says unconsciously.

Eventually we had the talk about Colin kissing me in the airport. He didn't blame me, admitted there was no better way for me to handle the situation than what I had done. He just wished I had told him. Though as a result Theo hates him. Every time I mention him or even say the name Colin, he cringes.

"Theo I'll see you tomorrow morning. Don't worry about me. I love you." I hang up before he can disagree any further.

It occurred to me last minute that not once this entire trip did I inform Colin of my presence. Which is odd since we continue to have our weekly phone calls. Of course I haven't seen him since the kissing incident, which keeps nagging in the back of my brain. But therefore Theo has yet to be mentioned. Poor Colin presumes our chances are better now than they've ever been. If only he knew.

The walk to Colin's isn't far from the hotel. Only about ten or so blocks. When I had left, I hadn't anticipated the snow. I've never been one to follow weather reports. And I spent a full hour shopping for gifts for him and his mother. I'm surprising them so coming empty handed would be inhuman.

Now there's only a few more blocks to go. I'm not sure how it happened so fast but the roads are covered. Thick ice lays under the fine layer of snow, threatening to topple my horrible balance.

My phone buzzes. It's Theo again. He's gotten me into texting. I've never been a fan but every now and then Theo will send me a cute message, or scandalous one which this one happens to be.

I can't wait for you to get home. I'll love you like you've never been loved before.

I smiled both internally and externally. I began to type back

tell me what-

That's as far as I get. The next thing I know, the screeching of tires scrapes against the ice as a crash rings in my subconsciousness. My eyes are open but I can't see anything. My ears are searching but I hear nothing. The faint sound of my heart pulses slow, than slower until it fades.

Everything is silent.

Thank you guys for being such loyal readers. I know I've lost a lot over the months due to me barely updating. But you guys are amazing and if I could I'd hug each and every one of you.

So here's what I was thinking. Insurgent comes out in a few months and the Theo hype will be at an all time high...

You want a sequel or maybe another fanfic?

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