Chapter 2.) Heaven is Hell.

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Chapter 2.) Heaven is Hell

Love is friendship that has caught fire. It is quiet understanding, mutual confidence, sharing and forgiving. It is loyalty through good and bad times. It settles for less than perfection and makes allowances for human weakness.

I sat criss cross apple sauce on my bed as I strum along on my guitar. It was morning, and i always played in the morning before I went to school. The music that emitted out of my guitar was sorrowful, but it had meaning. When i left my true parents, I lost everything.

"Hey, we're ready." Ashley was leaning against the door with her red and blonde hair in a messy bun. She sent me a sympathetic smile, but i shrugged in return. I put my guitar on its holder and I grabbed my bag.



I stayed in Crash's seat during English. He didnt show up for that class, but he showed up for home room. I was sitting on a desk in the back corner tapping away on my phone, and sipping my coffee. I glanced up to see Crash leaning over a desk with a blonde haired girl, who was twirling her hair and giggling at him. I rolled my eyes and looked back on my phone.

Bryn: You. Were. In. Crash's. Room. How the hell??? Doesnt he hate you????

Me: i dont fucking know. One minute he's giving me his sweatshirt and then the next, he's being an ass.

Bryn: i hear a girls night coming up this friday between you and I. See ya there babes. Bells ringin' ;)

As soon as I read that the bell rang, and the class piled out of the room. I lagged back because i hate people and crowds. I felt a warm hand on my shoulder.

"Hey, Scout." I saw Bandit and he smiled. His smile was murderous but it was amazing. He walked the same pace as me and he rubbed his arm against mine as we walked. "I was thinking, later on tonight would you want to get a coffee, or go out for dinner? I heard you just moved here, and its only fair to give you a tour of what you arent missing."

"Dinner, because I only drink coffee in the mornings or when i'm about to kill someone." I laughed. "What's your proposal?"

"Nikki's Diner. It's got the best food in town. I know the owner." He smiled at me. Crash said not to go out with Bandit. But i don't care what Crash said. Crash is an asshole. Right?

"Sure." I said and smiled.

"Any specific time? I'm free all night." Bandit glanced at himself in the wall sized mirror. Mmm keep looking you're too hot for that mirror, it'll melt.

"Same here.. Wanna just meet up around 3 and we can do something until dinner?" I glanced at him, his lip twitched back into a smile but then he spoke.

"Sure. I'll come get you. Wear something.. Something... Uh.. Something.. Yah. At least wear something." He laughed and blushed. That was super cute but i hid my smile.

"Alright. Hey I got to get to class." I turned to face him. "Dont be nervous." I hugged him, then left.


Human Disease and Development

"So i saw you and Bandit in the hallway. What was that about?" Crash asked as he typed on the computer. I glanced at him and looked back at my phone. Why would he care?

"It was nothing." I said and showed him my phone, to copy

down notes i had on there. He grabbed the phone and his fingers ran against mine sending the weirdest feeling.

"Bullshit. Wheres he taking you?" Crash muttered. "From the looks of it he asked you on a date, and with that hug, you said yes." Crash is such a jerk. Its not his business about my love life. I dont give a fuck about his. He needs to just shut up and do the god damn project.

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