Nya Aurora Smith

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Y:Hello there! Welcome to Yemi's Wonderful Interviews! I'm your host, Yemi Taylor! Everyday, I'll be interviewing someone from Ninjago. So today, I'll be interviewing Nya Aurora Smith !

(Nya enters)

N: Hey there!

Y: Hi! So I'm gonna be asking you some questions and all you have to do is answer them. Kay?

N: Okay! What's the first question?

Y: People have been shipping girl x girls, Yours is Nylor, you and Skylor.

What is your opinion on that?

N: Ugh! I hate it. Who even came up with that name? Bottom line: I'm with Jay and Skylor's with Kai.

Y: I completely agree. Next question. It's...what's your favorite part about being a ninja?

N: Oh that's an easy one! Getting to save the day. Oh! And hanging out with Jay, Cole, and Kai!

Y: What a great answer! It leads us right into the next one! How's your relationship with Jay and Cole going?

N: Well...Cole is so caring, but He's not funny like Jay. Jay is funny and sweet, but everything's always about him. But thankfully that's how I used to feel. Now Cole's moved on and Jay's my fiancé.

Y: WHAT!!!! Tell me more! When did this happen?

N: Oh, just a couple weeks ago. He proposed in the middle of battle.

Y: AWWWWWWWWW! That's so sweet! Next! When you overheard people talking about you, what were they saying?

N: They were talking to an interview person. They all said things like, "Cole is my fav!" or "Kai! He's so hot!" After all the names (Except for mine) the interviewer asked about me. They shrugged. They didn't like me, but they wanted to be me so they would get to hang out with the guys all the time.

Y: Wow! That's harsh! Next, is a blast from the past question! In your words, can you tell us what it was like when Wu told you that you were a ninja.

N: OMG! That was insane! I fainted and trained. But I unlocked my true potential and created a tsunami that sunk the Preeminent.

Y: Way to make the boys look helpless. Thanks for sharing! Come back soon

N: Bye!

(Nya exits)

Y: Tomorrows guest is Jay Walker. Bye!

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