Jay Walker\Gordan

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Y: Today's guest is...Jay Walker!

(Jay enters)

Y:How are you, Jay?

J: Oh, I'm fine.

Y: Okay you know how these things work, right?

J: Umm..I think so.

Y: Okay then! First question. People make up these ships like boys x boys. Your main one is Bruise, you and Cole. What is your opinion on that?

J: I HATE IT! Cole is my friend and brother. We are not boyfriends. I'm with Nya.

Y: Glad you agree with me. Jaya rules! Next! So what's going on with you and Nya?

J: Oh yeah! I just proposed to her a couple weeks ago! I was super nervous. I told Cole I was worried about when to do it. He said something stupid. Cole compared Nya to an old bandage. He said it's like ripping one off. The sooner you get it off, the better. I smacked him in the forehead.

Y: Ouch! Okay! Next question! What do you most like about "Sensei" Lloyd?

J: He's doing great! Though he does do things with a lot of thinking and talking rather than action.

Y: I see. This is a blast from the past question. During the events with Morro, what was your reaction when you found out that Nya was a ninja?

J: I gotta be honest. I was happy, but scared. Like really scared.

Y: Why?

J: I thought that it was now more possible for her to get hurt. I was afraid that I was going to lose Nya forever.

Y: Aww! Last question. Someone caught you talking to Kai about how your brother-in-laws. How did He take that?

J: Ha! It went fine.

Y: Jay....

J: Alright! He punched me in the gut. He said that just because I proposed to his sister doesn't mean we are brothers-in-laws. That happens after the wedding.

Y: He's such a hothead! Well, thanks for coming!

J: It was my pleasure! Bye!

(Jay exits)

Y: Tomorrow on my show is Cole Brookstone!

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