Oath of Blood and Ice

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~ Calanthe ~

I threw my arms up to shield my face as the blast of fire barreled into me and slammed me onto the ground. The flames disappeared before any real damage could be done, but my clothes were slightly singed.

"Lani are you okay? I'm so sorry." Eroan rushed over and helped me up. I grimaced but nodded, finding my feet. We had been training with magic and weapons all morning and again in the afternoon, which nearly caused me to lose my lunch. "What happened? I thought you had it."

"I did too. I must be off my game today."

"You were fine earlier."

I shrugged. "Must've been something from lunch."

The sun was beginning to set, its deep orange rays flickered through the trees and dusted the field around us.

"Prince Eroan, Princess Calanthe. Dinner is being served."

"Thank you, Omala," Roan said and the older woman dipped her head and returned inside. He looped my arm with his and we walked together into the small cottage. "You ready to go home?"

I took a deep breath. For the last six months we had been on a hiatus from Court; across the sea in Wendlyn, on the coast a hundred miles from Mistward, our parents had built a small, secluded estate with the main purpose of training. And tomorrow, we would make the journey home, to Orynth.

"I suppose it would be nice to see everyone again." A small smile ghosted my lips.

He chuckled and squeezed my hand before taking a seat at the table, elegantly draping his tall Fae form in the chair. I leaned mine against the kitchen counter and dipped a finger into the bubbling pot of soup. This resulted in Omala gently smacking my knuckles with her wooden spoon and scolding me. I grinned and pulled up a chair across from my brother.

Spoon halfway to my mouth, I paused. My Fae ears picking up the beating of wings a few seconds before Eroan. Our heads whipped towards the doorway where a silver falcon swooped in and shifted forms. Renard Urelius, general and right-hand male to Aedion Ashryver.

"General?" Roan asked, perplexed.

"What is it?" I cut in.

The Fae male was slightly out of breath. "Her majesty has gone into labor. Your presence is requested immediately."

Roan and I stared at each other. "Mother is with child? Why were we not informed of this?"

"We found out shortly after you left. The child is several months premature. Please, Your Highnesses, we have to move."

In the months we were gone we were not to have been interrupted.

"Of course. At once." Roan slid back his chair. I scowled but followed suit. "Rest General. We will go."

Roan and I stepped out into the cooling forest air and shifted forms. Him into his red-tailed hawk and me into my snow owl. Spreading our wings we silently lifted into the sky and with the Lord of the North as our guide, flew for Orynth.


We flew straight through the night, pushing our wings as hard as they would go, letting the winds carry us. We reached the coast an hour before sunrise and Orynth shortly after, the sun barely peeking above the horizon. I cleared the railing of the high tower and shifted, softly dropping to the stone veranda. Not waiting for Roan I slipped inside and strode down the halls to our parents' bedchamber, trailing the sound of screams. I would freeze Hella before I gave birth, I thought, approaching the doors. The guards posted outside looked at us in surprise but stood aside as I went in. Our father, Rowan Whitethorn Galathynius paced the sitting area, wearing a hole in the carpet.

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