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We left off...

I was back in my bed several hours after we discussed the schedule. My violin laid on my chest as I mindlessly plucked at the strings staring at the ceiling.

I thought of my mom who I was working to help. My best friend who I wanted company from more than anything. Izuku who ignored me and Mina who became awkward after our conversation. Then the painting that reminded me of Bakugo.

I haven't seen him around and I thought of the conversation we had the night before the showcase. The feeling of sadness I got just watching him walk back to the dorms alone.

And the feeling I was feeling in my chest right now as I thought about him even though I barely knew about him.

I missed him. But not only him. I missed Izuku and his company, I missed my mom and my best friend. And I felt so lonely as I stared up at the ceiling that began to blur with my tears.

We continue...

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The night before the showcase

"We signed the papers son, it's official."

"Your dad and I are divorced."

"He's taking the last of his things tonight."

"He's leaving for Toronto tomorrow afternoon."

The words rang through his head constantly as he laid on his floor. Ever since his mother called him to give him the news, he couldn't stop thinking about it. They promise him that they would work it out and his mother refused to tell him about it. But the day he finally gets an update, he finds out that they already signed the papers. Without telling him.

The silence was deafening and the air in his room became stuffy. He pulled on a sweater and decided to go for a walk, hoping to clear his mind even for a little bit.

The air was cool against his warm face and he let out a sigh of relief. There was no one out at this time and even though he was alone for most of the day, being alone like this felt nice.

He walked through the campus mindlessly, trying to think of other things to distract his mind from the thought of his parents' divorce. He ended up thinking of a certain brunette who became his friend out of the blue. And he was thankful that she made him happy for the short bit of time from then to now.

He found a bench in front of a fountain and he sat there just watching calm water occasionally be disturbed by the fall of leaves. Bakugo wasn't sure how long he stayed just staring, lost in his thoughts, but he was sucked back out to reality when he heard a soft voice behind him.

"Hey, stranger."

Bakugo turned over his shoulder slightly to see Uraraka skipping over to him. A grunt left his lips as he acknowledged her presence, scooting over to give her space to sit beside him.

"Looks like you can't sleep either," he said, his fixed on the fountain ahead.

"Yeah, I'm kinda nervous about tomorrow so I decided to walk to get my mind off of it."

The showcase. Bakugo knew his mother was going to be there tomorrow, there to see what he has come up with. Even though she wasn't a real fan of the arts, she showed up to see what he could do. This always pressured Bakugo to do his best, even though he just simply wanted to have fun doing what he loved to do.

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