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          "Have you ever been past the mountains Koushi?" Daniel asks, they've been driving for fifteen minutes now and it feels like five. He's played a couple songs and Sugawara likes dissecting the words and meanings. To be frank, Daniel really couldn't care less about what anyone had to say about his taste in music, there was so much to choose from that it was kind of pointless to get your panties in a bunch because someone didn't like it. Anyways it's cute watching that one lock of silver hair bounce up and down catching in the light and looking translucent and then falling into the shadow again.

          "No, but one of my teammates lives out in this area."

They emerge in a small valley tucked between two mountains where everything is as green as far as the eye can see. It's hard to believe that there's such immense country so close to them in the suburbs. Face pressed against the window, Daniel rolls his eyes, reaching over the console to lower the window by pulling the crank. Startled by his sudden proximity, Koushi rights himself in his seat; one, he was expecting the window to go down, and two, Daniel's arm being right in front of him was just that unexpected.

A childlike adoration colors his features as he looks over all the fields and the green, he's never seen a green so vivid. So this was what the romanticists and naturalists were all about, Koushi could support this. Daniel parks his truck in the grass before the gravel driveway to a squat farm house begins. Before Koushi can even start struggling to get out of the cab, Daniel's already on the other side opening the door for him like he's a child.

          "So you're taking me for a walk in the country."

          "Not exactly." Daniel says, walking in front of Koushi toward the home. Some rationale in the back of the suburban boy's mind hopes that he's not going to get murdered, but what's the worst that could happen?

Opening a gate to the backyard, the black haired boy realizes that he's almost taller than Koushi, it's a weird feeling considering most of his male relatives have outgrown him by his age.

          "My dad is a pastor so I've spent all my life doing things for the Church. It comes with perks, I must say." Daniel explains lamely as Koushi lets out a squeal that sounds a little between exhilaration and joy. This boy literally just tore apart Edgar Allen Poe in the car and this is what he surmounts to, Daniel can't deny that it's a little cute.

          "Those are real alpacas. They're real right?" Koushi keeps looking between Daniel and the three alpacas in the pen mere meters in front of them. His normally large eyes are even wider and shining with electric delight. Rose pink lips parted ever so slightly, the boy preparing to become a professor suddenly looks like a child with the world before his eyes as he insists the reality of animals he's never even dreamed of seeing before.

         The other boy, with lungs like flower petals and eyes that water in the sunlight nods, unsure of how to react at Sugawara Koushi making him blush. "Yeah, you can pet them, they won't bite."

Daniel waves it off as Koushi takes tentative steps toward the animal he's only seen pictures of on the internet. It's absolutely surreal that he's about to pet an alpaca in real life. This is so cool, he's got to be dreaming. Koushi's steps are small and shy as the alpaca takes notice of him. The furry animal is used to five year old hyperactive kids who get a Sunday School field trip so Sugawara Koushi is just a run-of-the-mill human.

         The shot of Patron she downed behind her grandparent's back after they were done yelling at her is heavy on her lips as she evaluates the pair of boys like the thriving vet school scholarship student she is, Daniel's simping for him. The Aoki kids are remarkably good at concealing most of their lives from their devoutly religious parents but they kind of suck at lying, if she's being honest.

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