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          "Okay, so, love." Koushi looks up his eyes alight with that wonder that seems to echo from his soul whenever Daniel catches him doing anything that involves studying literature. It's kin to the look that his grandfather adopts when he recites verses of the Bible. Aoki Daniel isn't really concerned with the notion of religion despite the fact that his father and grandparents happen to be quite religious people and he's not all too concerned with literature (it's just words), but at the very least, he can pretend. Nodding with an eyebrow raised to Koushi's excitement, the other boy continues.

Needlessly, Daniel's head snaps up from it's preoccupation daydreaming about things that don't exist. One, because it's an unrealistic headcannon about Kim Jongin and the second because he's not sure whether or not Sugawara Koushi is talking about their group project or just gave him the cutest nickname. Although, the latter is highly unlikely.

          "Because that's an easy theme to find in all three eras, we could choose three different forms of delivery to make it easier to point out similarities of theme and tone while also pointing stylistic differences of diction and syntax." He explains adeptly as Daniel nods along like he understands what his group mate is on about (nothing about Japanese Literature is easy much less analyzing prehistoric booty calls). There's an obvious disparity between the two boys mentally, without even contrasting their grade point averages, but Koushi's still nice enough to treat him kindly and like he isn't a complete idiot.

Koushi taps the back of his pen on Daniel's upper arm. "You're supposed to tell me when you don't understand things. Don't just give me that look and fake it."

The two boys grin. Daniel thinks it's stupid how he didn't know Sugawara Koushi's name a week ago, the boy obviously has a heart of gold. "But it's so convenient since I have a group partner who obviously knows what he's doing and can teach me things."

           "That's called being unreliable, freeloader." Koushi scolds with a roll of his eyes as a stack of papers land on Daniel's desk. The two spin in their seats to be faced with another classmate. Almost like they're in a class filled with people.

          "Freeloader-san, did you collect all the forms for the career questionnaire?" Misaka asks, sitting down in the desk next to the class president as she straightens out the stack of chemistry labs that are supposed to go to their teacher. Clearly relishing her limited freedoms guaranteed with the title of class Vice President as she leaves all the heavy lifting for Daniel: another deadbeat procrastinator who somehow managed to finesse a leadership position from other people that were probably actually trying.. She slowly slides them onto his desk like that's going to make him pick up the stack.

Daniel rolls his eyes, "Look at what you did, Sugawara-san." The silver haired boy's giggle sounds like silver bells for the record.

          In terms of ability, Misaka takes the theoretical cake, she can do everything from collating spreadsheets to hacking online report cards (with a hefty price, of course). It's the personality part where she falls. See, Daniel can at least cover up his bitchiness with a lackadaisical outlook that even he isn't sure swung him the spot of class president, but what matters is that Misaka can't hold a poker face. Specifically her tongue. In all reality if she hadn't pissed off half of their grade with some "anonymously" leaked report cards their First Year at Karasuno, she would be class president with everyone kissing up to her like she was some kind of figure of repute.

It's high school, everyone has some dirt on someone. And there was always a grudge buried in a shallow grave or locked into an old closet, they tended to crop up more often than not.

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