Chapter 16: Winter Formal

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The dresses that the girls went shopping for are the dresses for the gala so I chose two others for Sarah (left) and Artemis (right) since they have to wear something

Sarah's P.O.V

"Ok class that's the bell pack up and go home to get ready for the formal tonight and remember that it's Black and White Masquerade theme and have a good school holiday" Mr Phillips says to us as we rush out the door

"So are you nervous about tonight?" Dick asks me as we walk down the hallway

"No" I answer

"Really?" he questioned surprised

"I'm terrified!" I yell shaking him and he just laughs

"You'll be fine and do great, I promise anyways aren't you and the girls getting ready at Barbs?" he asked me raising an eyebrow

"Oh god I totally forgot" I said before I ran to my locker and headed to the front of the school

"Hey Barb" I call out catching her attention

"Oh hey you good to go?" she asked

"Yeah just need to wait for Arty" I reply as if right on queue Artemis runs beside me

"Ok let's go" Barb says and we get in her car and go to her house


"Ok, done, you can open your eyes now" Barb says as she finishes my makeup, she's already done Arty's and her own.

"Finally" I say as I open my eyes and they widen

"Oh my god, that's amazing it's perfect" I gush as I see my makeup, it's perfect for my black medium length sleeved top and white skirt and the silver/ white mask that Selena bought for me for my birthday, my entire outfit is simple but elegant. I also put on the bracelet she gave me, oh yeah I forgot to say she turned the diamond that I stole with Selena when I saw Selena kiss Batman into a bracelet for my birthday, haha you jealous?

"I'm ready" Arty says walking out of the walk in robe with her dress and mask on and her hair and makeup done, her hair is in soft curls and down.

"You look great" I comment and she smiles

"Ok I'm gonna get changed now" I state grabbing my clothes and everything else.

After about five minutes of struggling to put my clothes on without ruining my hair or makeup I finally got it on and walked out

"You look gorgeous" Barbara comments and I blush shyly, I don't really have people complement me about I look it's usually about how good I fight or how fast I eat food.

"So do you" I reply with a smile, she really does she has a really white with silver sparkles and a silver mask to match

"Are we all ready?" Arty asks and we all nod in reply and head out the door, oh boy.


We pull up in front of the school, I am so nervous, what if I make a fool of myself? these questions keep popping up in my head as we head towards the hall.

"You guys go ahead I just need some fresh air" I state standing back from the door

"Ok see you in there" they reply and walk in

Dick's P.O.V

So many girls have come up to me asking me to dance with them, but I'm waiting for Sarah to come, she's the only one I want to dance with but it's pretty hard to find her, stupid masks. Artemis and Barbara have showed up and they said Sarah is coming soon so I just keep talking to them and something catches their attention

"Ah there she is" Artemis says smiling

"Good entrance" Barbara comments as she comes up to us

"It's not my fault everyone at this school can't handle this" Sarah says gesturing to herself, she was wearing a simple black long sleeved top with a white skirt, silver mask and black shoes, her hair was curled and half of it was tied up and the other half cascaded down her back

"You look beautiful" I say with a smile

"Thanks" she replies with a smile and a little blush

"Hey come on" I say grabbing her hand and walk off

Sarah's P.O.V

I start waking with Dick as Arty and Barbara mask are faces behind us as I just flipped the bird at them and walk off

"Where are we going?" I ask curiously

"It's a surprise" he replied with a smirk as I sigh angrily. He leads us into the middle of the dance floor

"Shall we dance?" He asked nervously smiling

"Of course" I answer taking his hand and we start dancing to the soft song

"I didn't know you could dance" I say

"Well as you would say I have many hidden talents" he says mockingly as I just poke my tongue at him at laugh, I look behind him to find Arty and Barbara making kissy faces and I just role my eyes and once again flip the bird at them.

"Ok everyone the talent contest is about to begin so everyone take your seats and be prepared for an amazing night of entertainment" our principle announces

"Oh boy" I say as I get butterflies from being so nervous

"You'll do great" Dick said reassuringly and kisses me on the cheek and I smile and head backstage with Arty

"Don't even start" I state before she even opens her mouth. wWe check when we perform and conveniently we're the last to perform, joy (note my sarcasm)


"Can you please put your hands together for Artemis Crock and Sarah Kyle as they sing Oath by Cher Lloyd" our Principle announces as we walk on stage and see everyone clapping already, once they quieten down the music starts

"My best friend, best friend till the very end, cause best friends, best friends don't have to pretend, you need a hand and I'm right there right beside you, you in the dark I'll be the bright light to guide you" Artemis starts singing and then it came to the chorus

"Where ever you go just always remember, that you got a home for now and forever and if you get low just call me whenever, this is my oath to you" I sing and everyone cheers and then me and Arty continue singing the chorus

"I know I drive you crazy and that's no lie, I know I called you lazy and that's most times, but you complete me and that's no lie you are my tuxedo and I'm your bow tie" I sing and we do the movements. The song came to an end and everyone cheered as we bowed and walked offstage to our table, to be hugged by Barbara

"You guys were amazing" she said as we laugh

"See I told you, you could do it" Dick said giving me a hug as we hear aws from next to us by Arty and Barb

"Ladies and Gentlemen can I have your attention please so I can announce the winners of our school wide talent quest" Mr James says holding up an envelope and opening it "and the winner is Artemis Crock and Sarah Kyle" he says and everyone cheers as we head for the stage to get the award. After all our congratulations we ended up back on the dance floor.

"Hey can I talk to you?" Dick asked me again

"Wow you must love talking to me tonight don't you" I ask jokingly as I follow him to the auditorium

"What is it?" I question as we come to a stop and he stands in front of me

"I like you" he admits nervously

"What do you mean?" I asked him dumbly, my mind at a complete blank

"I mean that I really like you, more than friends" he said his face reddening and I'm just speechless

"Oh you don't like me, I knew it you know what just forget I ever said that I don't want to ruin our friendship" he says as he starts to ramble

"Dick" I state catching his attention "I like you too" I declare before kissing him.

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