Chapter 8: What's going on

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Percy's POV

So here I am in some kind of subconscious state. Just then Horus and the goddess Isis appear.

"My queen," Horus says as they kneel down.

"There is no need for that my friends. You know how much I hate formalities. Now give me a hug, you two," I say.

We hug for what seems like forever.

"Now can either of you explain why I collapsed and what is going on in the real world?" I ask.

"You see we kinda made you collapse so that we could warn you about Bakura and your magic," Isis says.

"Why would you need to warn me about my magic?" I ask slightly concerned.

"This time your magic is more unstable since you have more control over water. Your child's life could be endangered, so we have been making you collapse so you wouldn't use too much magic. We're just trying to keep both of you safe," Horus tells me.

"I understand that you are trying to keep us safe, but please warn me instead of making me pass out. Can you also please tell me what's going on out there before I head back?" I say.

"Well, Yami is in the war planning room coming up with a plan," Isis tells me.

"I swear if he makes up the same plan as last time I will beat his ass. I don't care if I'm pregnant. The council will not stop me," I tell them.

"My lady you need to calm down. You need to calm down this much stress is not good for you or your son, so please Persephone calm down," Isis says.

With that, we talk for a few more hours with me sitting down for the most time. I then started to wake up.

"Good luck and be careful," those two tell me.

As soon as I woke up I realized I was in mine and Yami's chambers (aka bedroom). I decide to lay back down. I then feel my stomach for that small pit that was my child. Once I found it I rested my hand there and smiled.

"Hey there little one, it's me your mother. I'm trying to make this time better for us. I am trying to make things better without changing too much here. Just letting your dad doesn't know about you so you're my little secret. You have an uncle that will watch you when your dad and I are gone. He'll treat you like what we would've treated you if we could've raised you," I tell him.

I then start to walk to the balcony trying to stay to the shadows so the guards won't notice I'm up. Just past the gates, I see Yugi and the gang standing there looking like a bunch of buffoons.  I decide to head down through one of my passages.

"Persephone!" they yell in unision.

"Hush you four or you're going to get me caught," I tell them.

"Why do you need to be sneaking around?" Joey asked me.

"I may or may not have collasped two times today, and I may or may not have just awoken from one of them," I say.

"Persephone, you really should be laying down," Yugi tells me.

"I think sharing a body with Yami has made him rub off on you (he needs to remember that for after I return to the mortal world) I guess I should head back but you need to come with me so I can warn you about what is to happen tonight," I tell them as I start walking.

As we made our way through the caverns I was thinking about the friends and family I will be leaving behind when Yugi and Yami duel. I am snapped out of my thoughts by Tristan.

What Does the Past Have to Do With Now? Yugioh and PJO Crossover Fem Percy(✅)Where stories live. Discover now